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  • Chagas disease in the Pastaza province of Ecuador. scholars and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide. However, they couldn’t have been surprised – PLU has been doing this for years. In fact, since 1975, 78 PLU students have received the award. “That PLU ranked so high testifies not only to the quality of PLU, but to the quality of a liberal arts education,” said Troy Storfjell

  • criticism that I received from veterans, scholars, and active-duty military on Twitter.  This was an incredible experience as many in this community are keenly interested in and engaged with issues of moral education in the military, rules of war, and the civilian/military culture gap.Part of the benefit of the teacher-scholar model we embrace at PLU is the ability to enrich both the scholarly and the teaching/learning experience with synergy.  Many of the issues that I was wrestling with as a scholar

  • participated in a seminar in Chicago on teaching interfaith understanding, which boosted his ability to further PLU’s inclusive mission regarding interfaith education. “The goal is for us to be able to agree to disagree, while protecting the right to our views,” Hammerstrom said. Read MorePLU professor launches new class that immerses students in the local Buddhist community He traveled to Chicago July 31-Aug. 4 for the competitive seminar. He was one of 26 faculty members selected from a nationwide pool

  • in communications and minored in music, playing flute in the University Symphony Orchestra. Her first job after graduation was with Symphony Tacoma, where she worked on everything from ticketing to marketing. She and her husband decided they wanted to live abroad, so they earned certificates in teaching English as a foreign language and moved to Prague, in the Czech Republic, where they taught. The Czech capital is also renowned for its transit system. Neither Walker’s experience as a student in

  • creative work, another for her scholarship and teaching. Even then I knew, of course, that the scholarly and the creative were false categories. A poem was as much the result of a poet’s deep critical study of poetry as it was the result of inspiration. In the same way, the best scholarship that I read at the time— Richard Poirier on Robert Frost, Helen Vendler on Wallace Stevens, and Carson herself on Paul Celan—had a dazzling creativity of insight that made scholarly writing as artful as the works

  • also help students. At PLU, Walker majored in communications and minored in music, playing flute in the University Symphony Orchestra. Her first job after graduation was with Symphony Tacoma, where she worked on everything from ticketing to marketing. She and her husband decided they wanted to live abroad, so they earned certificates in teaching English as a foreign language and moved to Prague, in the Czech Republic, where they taught. The Czech capital is also renowned for its transit system

  • age, tradition, or family background. For more information, check out:   在中国,我们习惯于集体主义的思想,例如与他人一起工作,通过在吃饭或休闲活动中不断碰面来与他人保持紧密联系。 但是在美国,个人主义更为普遍,人们将优先考虑独立和自力更生的价值。 他们还认为个人的成就比年龄,传统或家庭背景更为重要。 有关更多信息,请查看: On-Time | 守时Being on-time is a sign of respect that shows you value the other person’s time. Similarly, when there is an

  • with faculty advisors who offer personalized support and guidance. Graduates from the last 5 years: Their jobs Language Program Manager, Samish Tribe Senior Graphic Designer, All About the Good Show Manager and Booking Assistant, Real Art Tacoma Sports Dietetic Intern, United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee Graphic Designer, The Grand Theater Tacoma Photographer Collections and Content Coordinator, Holocaust Resource Center - Kean University Graduates from the last last 5 years: Their

  • Workbook Sacred Bodies, from the Pluralism Project GLGBTQ Archive: Wicca Stories by/about Queer Witches:  The Witch Boy, by Molly Ostertag (graphic novel) Queering Paganism: A Gay Practioner’s Perspective of Wicca-Craft LGBTQ Religious Archives Network: Wicca Have you been supported by a religious resource not listed here? Do you have a recommendation? Feel free to email campus ministry ( and ask for it to be added to the list so others can also benefit!

  • Records You may be able to receive your immunization records from your high school, primary care provider, or your medical portal. Most states have a digital vaccine registry.  You are welcome to call us (253-535-7337) or send an email to for assistance. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a resource for locating vaccine records. After undergoing these vaccines, please send us a record of your immunizations so that we can keep your file up to date.  You may FAX a copy to