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  • Highlights Back in the Day Members of the PLU community spoke candidly about life as a Lute and how they discovered vocation and purpose. Watch video Black at PLU Brought together current students and alumni to talk about the black experience at PLU. View full photo Clay Crows Reunion Brought together current Clay Crows and members of the improv group dating back to its beginning in 2008 for a performance during the weekend. View full photo 50th Reunion Members of the Class of 1968 gather for a group

  • knew (and still do not know!) about topics like the Reconstruction era, American slavery and its legacies, the New Deal, and more. There’s always more to learn and read.” And last but definitely not least, this summer Carli took part in the Auschwitz Jewish Center fellowship which lasted about three and a half weeks. Here’s her report! “Along with ten other fellows, we began with a training in New York before departing to Poland, where we spent time in Krakow, Warsaw, the town of Oswiecim [named

  • . Six Word Stories, you might know, is a hugely popular (and almost perfectly self-explanatory) online and social-media concept that takes its cue from novelist Ernest Hemingway, who, according to literary legend, once was challenged to write a short story in only six words. The super-concise stories are sometimes poignant, sometimes comical, sometimes both—and addictively entertaining to read and to write. During a two-week period, 125 Lutes submitted their own PLU Six Word Stories for

  • PLU to Host Holiday Events Throughout December Posted by: Zach Powers / November 30, 2015 Image: Christmas tree lighting in Red Square at PLU on Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014. (PLU Photo/John Froschauer) November 30, 2015 By Matthew Salzano '17PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 30, 2015)- It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas at Pacific Lutheran University. Throughout its 125-year history, PLU has developed numerous holiday pastimes that honor a variety of traditions, cultures

  • and advocacy for the sustainability of the earth and its inhabitants. “I spent a lot of that summer going back and forth between the departments,” he says.  “It took about two months to figure out how to coordinate the recycling effort.” He enjoyed puzzling through negotiations and solutions. “One of the things I learned was that just because one idea fails, it doesn’t mean the next one will,” he observes. Hachet is a dual major in mathematics and environmental studies. Although the two

  • project. “Our pairing up on the project was not an accident,” Dixon says. “My background is in mathematics and Inge’s is in marketing, so we could teach each other a lot. We both worked on everything, but on the data analysis side, when it got really quantitative, I’d show her what I was doing. Whereas, when it came to the marketing side and coming up with the creative ideas, she’d be showing me the ropes.” The MSMA’s focus on real-world experience is perhaps its most unique strength, Dixon says

  • graduate studies and continuing education. Ensures consistency with the PLU dean responsibilities as outlined in the PLU Faculty Handbook: Provide leadership for and supervise the academic programs of the School of Nursing. Provide reports essential for effective administration of the School of Nursing and its academic programs. Establish and recommend the budget of the School of Nursing. Recommend and supervise department, program, and school budgets. Make recommendations for faculty appointments

  • J-1 Exchange VisitorsPacific Lutheran University extends a warm welcome to its international scholars! The Exchange Visitors and Visiting Scholars are a valued part of the PLU community. The Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education is committed to providing support to our visiting scholars each year. We are here to provide assistance with campus logistics, as well as support with immigration services. The broad purpose of the Exchange Visitor program is to promote international

  • By Ashley Carreño-Millan '20Division of Humanities Riley Dolan, ‘19, a double major in Hispanic Studies and Political Science, interned with the U.S embassy program during the summer of 2017. This internship opened the way for him to engage in a project  researching memory sites that commemorate the genocide of Indigenous Mayans in Guatemala. What are memory sites? These are sites created by citizens or the government in remembrance of an event. The memory sites that Riley studied commemorated

  • to copyright law, it is illegal to show any movie in a public setting (i.e. anywhere outside home). The issue is not whether you charge admission, but whether you show the movie in a public setting. The definition of a public showing of a movie, according to copyright law, is to “display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered.” It is fairly simple to obtain permission to