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  • all possible, install the program before you arrive. What anti-virus alternatives do I have to the ones recommended by I&TS? Is one free anti-virus better than others? Are paid anti-virus programs better than free ones?Information & Technology Services staff recommend free anti-virus software based on our experience with these programs and the programs’ own performance record. Our experience suggests that each anti-virus performed on average about as well as its contemporaries. The major

  • of the original disclosure without permission. Full Board ReviewThis type of review can take up to 1-2 months, depending on when you submit and when the board meets (3 or 4 times a semester; not in J-term/summer). Full board proposals can involve revisions before approval.Learn more about full board reviewIf your research does not qualify for exempt or expedited review, it must be submitted for full board review. Full board review requires a convened meeting of the HPRB, with a majority of its

  • PLU interns combat climate change one tree at a time Posted by: vcraker / November 11, 2022 November 11, 2022 A group of PLU students interning with the Tacoma Tree Foundation spent the summer increasing the number of trees in the city to reduce polluted stormwater runoff and heat during the summer months and improving the livelihoods of those who live in urban areas. The team consisting of Dalen Todorov ’23, Elijah Paez ’24, Autumn Johansen ’23, and Zoee Kooser ’22 began distributing trees

  • com­munity, and get precious job skills to boot. He spent his summers training as an EMT. He took classes at the state fire academy. He completed a rope-rescue training course. He learned Spanish volunteering at a medical clinic that treats migrant workers. For a while, he considered studying to be a paramedic but realized that wouldn’t quite satisfy him. “Dropping people off at the hospital and that being the end of my contact with them just wasn’t fulfilling,” Jensen recalled. “I wanted to know how

  • the practice of dialogue as a necessary and essential part of carrying out successful and sustainable development initiatives. Theo Hofrenning: [learning in the Nansen Dialogue Center] Whereas the UN and other peacebuilding organizations formulate agendas and goals for management of peace building efforts the Nansen approach differed in its full commitment to simply helping those in conflict determine the agenda, goals, and eventual outcome of peace building processes. I thought that this was a

  • , especially, our new first year students, transfer students, and graduate students.   Now it is time, in this convocation, this calling together of the community, for you to be formally inducted into our academic community. This ceremony, with its ritual elements recalling the medieval ceremonies of the first European universities, welcomes you as worthy colleagues.  In addition to your fellow students, seated around you are the faculty, staff, administrators, and regents of PLU, together with elected

  • centuries through changing times and conditions. Changes and challenges are inevitable, but we in the Humanities remain committed to the Classics and its essential role in PLU’s future. Assistant Professor Dr. Tyler Travillian will remain on the Classics faculty. PLU alum Dr. Eric Thienes will continue as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics in 2018-19. Read Previous A Conversation with Dr. Moneyang and Dr. Ortigas Read Next Greetings from the Dean 2018 LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022

  • status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.” King’s speech, then, is an indictment not of those rioting, but of those standing by, tacitly supporting white supremacy and its companion white patriarchy, benefiting from racist structures that marginalize and

  • vocalist Sommer Stockinger on Thursday, July 12. The university event is in its 14th year and has featured returning and new artists every summer. The concerts are free to the public and a perfect way to enjoy jazz in the setting of the Mary Baker Russell building’s outdoor amphitheater. Along with the series being free, refreshments are provided and star charts are passed out for those interested in viewing the night sky from the campus’ observatory. Keck Observatory nights are planned for Aug. 2, 9

  • review by members of the university community. SR&R proceedings are neither an end in themselves nor the primary means of developing responsible student conduct. Student development is more likely to take place through education and example than through disciplinary measures. Nonetheless, there will be occasions when the university will assert its disciplinary authority for the safety and well-being of the university community. The SR&R Office seeks to provide a fair and equitable process for