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  • to work closely with faculty in classes, laboratories, and field studies. Faculty members are available to work individually with students in small seminar groups and on research projects. Located in the Rieke Science Center, the Department of Earth Science has well-equipped classroom spaces and laboratories to support student and faculty research. Equipment includes a research-grade Zeiss scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an elemental analysis detector (EDS), a Geographic Information

  • Plan the Perfect Event at PLUWith our full-service approach, we strive to exceed the requirements for every meeting, conference, and overnight group on campus. The perfect event comes down to the details your guests will remember. A thoughtfully crafted menu and beverage pairing, that ideal specialty cocktail, the right music and atmosphere – these are the details that make the event. No matter what type of event you’re planning, we have the resources to make the process as easy as possible

  • honor of hosting the 2012 Northwest Conference Championships last May), the rebuilt roof over the swimming pool, and the revamped locker rooms in both Olson Auditorium and the swimming pool, all have taken place in the past year. And future changes – like plans for a rebuilt football field and stadium complex, or improvements to the softball field, home to the current NCAA Division III national champions – make it clear that more good things are to come. But, any way you look at it, it is clear that

  • information to support definition of requirements for tools, equipment, materials, parts and processes used in the manufacture and engineering design of products. Incorporates changes to specifications and other documents to manage the deployment of materials, parts and processes. Performs tests to qualify new tools, equipment, materials, parts and processes to meet requirements. Assists with activities to qualify suppliers to applicable requirements. Conducts basic analysis to determine performance or

  • information to support definition of requirements for tools, equipment, materials, parts and processes used in the manufacture and engineering design of products. Incorporates changes to specifications and other documents to manage the deployment of materials, parts and processes. Performs tests to qualify new tools, equipment, materials, parts and processes to meet requirements. Assists with activities to qualify suppliers to applicable requirements. Conducts basic analysis to determine performance or

  • integrate information from a wide range of connected topics such as chemistry, biology, physics, and geography. In this light, geoscientists have a particularly flexible professional skill set that is founded in core analysis and interpretation skills developed in the field and laboratory. Successful students must be able to think three dimensionally, have strong quantitative skills, and be able to communicate clearly through writing and speaking. Field trips are included in most courses.Quick Links My

    Department of Earth Science
    Rieke Science Center Room 158 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • Equitable Assessment PracticesIn keeping with PLU’s access, recruitment, and retention goals, we must expand our understanding of “effectiveness” in assessment to include equity-centered assessment practices. According to Montenegro and Jankowski (NILOA 2020) equity in assessment relies on three changes in how we think about data collection, analysis, and action:  Assessment should be culturally responsive, meaning it should be mindful of context and the various student populations being served

  • Change, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Internet Research, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Competitiveness Review, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, and the International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization. Dr. Lee is a member of the editorial board of the Technological Forecasting and Social Change (Elsevier), International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (World Scientific Publishing), Journal

    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • addresses the commonalities found in the ancient Greek philosophical traditions and classical philosophical Taoism and how they can help us cultivate the skills to combat climate change. To produce a comparative analysis of the two traditions, The Butterfly Dream by Zhuangzi and The Cave Allegory by Plato will be used as primary sources. Then, by using interpretations of philosophers from their respective philosophical traditions, this paper aims to not offer quick solutions or options of technology to

  • Equip Students to Change the World Through a unique blend of academically rigorous liberal arts and professional programs, students develop skills in decision-making, analysis, communication and reasoning — all through in-classroom and experiential learning, innovative academic programs, and internships and research opportunities. Support this robust learning experience and the change it makes possible with your investment today. School of Arts & Communication``The incredible work that our