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  • power of global travel to inform and illuminate as we make our way in a troubled world. Read More Power Paddle to Puyallup Kelly Hall ’16 found a new connection to her native Samish tribal culture through her studies at PLU, then gave voice to her people as part of the revival of this traditional Northwest canoe journey. Read More Strong Link of Three People remember Panago Horton ’12 for his quiet leadership, devotion to family and passion for access to education for marginalized students. His

  • possibility of later being accepted to the program. Priority will be given to applicants: Who submit strong applications (see below) Who haven’t studied away for a semester before For Semester rather than full Academic Year Whose academic interests align with the program’s academic themes and opportunities With Major/Minor that requires study away (Global Studies) Of language immersion programs For Gateway over Featured and Approved Semester programs Qualities demonstrated by strong applicants: Academic

  • Chile’s school of architecture, urban studies, and geography. Through interviewing thirteen students and a professor, I found that in addition to mobilizing to universalize access to education by redefining it as a social right, students have appropriated their campuses as a way of questioning the production of knowledge. Inspired by Paulo Freire, students are asking what do we learn, how, and why? They desire to build a critical pedagogy that converts education from a method of reproducing the status

  • Learning and Teaching with Professor Xi Zhu Posted by: hoskinsk / May 7, 2020 Image: Xi Zhu, Visiting Instructor of Chinese May 7, 2020 By John Evanishyn '21Environmental Studies & English MajorYou may have heard professors say that they still feel like students, learning every day. But Visiting Instructor of Chinese Xi Zhu is a true embodiment of this idea.You may have heard professors say that they still feel like students, learning every day. But Visiting Instructor of Chinese Xi Zhu is a

  • Step 3This is a critical component of the application. Informed consent is necessary for all research studies (even exempt research). The goal of informed consent is to make sure research participants are treated with dignity and respect and they understand: what they will be asked to do any risks and/or benefits involved they can choose not to answer any questions they always have the right to decline or withdraw from any study without consequence how their data will be used and protected

  • national security interests of the United States. The region includes China, which is rapidly assuming prominence on the global stage. Rare are the days that go by without at least one news story on China. Given PLU’s Chinese language studies, its China summer Service Learning program, as well as other international programs sponsored by the Wang center, I thought I would devote a few minutes to this most fascinating country. For the past 20 years, China’s GDP has grown by an average of 9.0% per year

  • substance-abuse diagnosis. My time is split between helping clients work on their symptoms and connecting them to resources to help aid in their recovery. How did studying Psychology at PLU help prepare you for your graduate studies and your current career? Studying Psychology helped form my clinical background prior to going to social-work school, which was helpful because social work largely focused on systems and policies, rather than the individual. I have to say that my ethics came largely from my

  • be drawing for an archaeological project, students not only have to do research and preliminary studies; they also have to communicate with someone else at stages of its development to show the progress and get feedback and make changes based upon that feedback. I saw it as a great opportunity for students to experience. Instead of having one student doing something for him, I tried to give students the opportunity to build something over time. Andrews: My specialty is stone-tool analysis, so I

  • global study focus. This LC offers language-immersion (Chinese, French, Spanish), Global Studies, and International Honors (IHON) connected experiences.  Connected Residence Hall: Hong Hall is the traditional home of this community, but will be offline for 2022-23. The Global Community will be temporarily housed in Kreidler Hall for the 2022-23 academic year.  Connected course(s): First-year Hong residents frequently enroll in courses that thematically connect with the Hong communities, including

  • wedding photography during weekdays or when there are major events on campus). Specific site(s) requested. Number of people and amount of equipment involved. Potential disruption (sound, light, physical, etc.) of university activities. Photographer and videographer must be able to provide proof of adequate insurance coverage and indemnity and cannot use the resulting photographs for marketing purposes. The resulting photographs and/or video must only be for the personal, non-commercial use of the PLU