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  • you would start doing? What would you do more or less of? How might the way you exist in relationship with yourself and others change? If you were to personify your anxiety what would it look like?  Sound like? Is there an image or metaphor that comes to mind? What does your relationship with play look like? How do you cultivate space for play in your life? Write about a time when something positive came from something unexpected or hard. How can you tell (e.g., thought patterns, experience in

  • Lake School District Mary Gerhardstein South Bend School District Max Boekenoogen South Kitsap School District Mara Johnson South Puget Sound Community College Shaun Antrim South Seattle College Shaun Antrim South Whidbey School District Crisi Shockey Southside School District Max Boekenoogen Spokane Community College Shaun Antrim Spokane Falls Community College Shaun Antrim Spokane Public Schools Mary Gerhardstein Sprague-Lamont School District Mary Gerhardstein Spring Academy - Seattle Mara

  • The Saint John’s Bible will be on display at PLU from September 2016 through May 2017. (Photo / Jo

  • Scholarships and Grants for Graduate StudentsAs our mission at PLU encourages service and care, we truly care about making the PLU graduate studies affordable for anyone desiring financial aid. Each of our graduate programs offers unique scholarships with varying monetary awards. Please take a look at the sites listed below for possible scholarships and grants that could apply to you. Applicants for graduate admission can apply for the following scholarships if available for the program they

  • , I think my graduate studies prepared me to be patient and to truly listen to understand what each student-athlete needs from a coach to be successful. For me, being able to take a tactical pause rather than instantly react has translated well to coaching and processing the game in a new way. How do you coach a student when they’ve made a mistake? Mistakes are normal and I actually encourage student-athletes to be willing to mess up because that shows me they are willing to learn and grow. More

  • , EmployeeThe biggest thing that I love about PLU is the genuine care, concern, and support for all of the students from everyone here. We are all united in our efforts and goal to create a safe space for every student, wherever they may be, to help them accomplish their goals, dreams, ambitions. … I give on Bjug Day to keep students connected to their studies and professional growth in ways that remain vibrant and relevant to the time and world we are in. I am excited to see the students continue to

  • without question one of the great destinations in the world. Faculty Tour Leader Dr. Charles Bergman, Professor Emeritus, Department of English and Environmental Studies led a PLU Alumni Travel Seminar designed expressly for alumni and friends. They experiences the charm and incredible importance of these islands with other graduates, and do it the PLU way—passionate faculty leaders, authentic experiences, intimate attention to nature and animals and culture, short readings chosen to deepen and enrich

  • including; Professor and Endowed Chair for Lutheran Studies, Professor of Religion, Director of Vocational Reflection, Director of the Wild Hope Center for Vocation, and Partner Chaplain for Campus Ministry. His dedication to service for others is demonstrated through his work directing the Center for Religion and Culture in the Pacific Northwest, his role as a theological consultant to various regional and national church agencies and societies as well as active engagement with an international

  • . I’m super proud. The broader sports world would have to agree, and Colleen has consistently been lauded for her expertise in the field of sports psychology. She has been on the coaching staff for the Olympic games five times over, and worked with the US National Women’s Soccer team, in addition to other national teams. At PLU, she was also instrumental in the founding of the women’s studies department, and continued to advocate for gender parity in academics and athletics. But PLU in the 1980s

  • , in order to provide feedback that speaks to a student’s term-long trajectory. If instructors wish to provide truly unbiased summative assessment, they can also consider blind grading.ReferencesNicol, D.J. and Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006) Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education 31(2): 2-19. Trumbull, E., & Lash, A. (2013). Understanding formative assessment: Insights from learning theory and measurement