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  • Jump to:Select OneBrass, Woodwinds and Percussion● Only one musical selection is needed, though you may prepare more than one provided it fits into the 5 minute audition time. Your selection(s) should show your best tone quality and demonstrate both lyrical and technical playing. ● Acceptable repertoire includes a movement (or portion of a movement) from a sonata or concerto, a solo etude for your instrument, a small selection of orchestral excerpts for your instrument, or some combination of

  • four-year, degree-granting institutions in the U.S. Navigating college can be difficult for any student, but it’s particularly challenging when you or your family might not understand the ins and outs of higher education. For those learning to navigate the language and culture of college, here are five things every current and incoming first-in-the-family student should know. And Gurjot Kang ’21 — a current first-generation student living in the “First in the Family” community in Stuen Hall

  • for the many ways in which she directs her students’ eyes towards distant cultures, she has been equally engaged in urging them to attend to what is right before them here in the Puget Sound region. A vocal advocate for sustainability at PLU, Barbara has also been very active in the community garden movement in Tacoma. And those who know her know that her care for the earth and its creatures manifests itself in a great love for animals, especially Portuguese Water Dogs. Many will remember her

  • retreats and has presented at both National Association of Student Personnel Administrators conference and NASPAtech. Donna L. Gibbs, vice president of marketing and communications Gibbs most recently served as managing director, and helped establish the west coast operations, of Bluetext, a Washington, D.C.-based digital marketing and strategic communications firm that counts among its clients Google, Adobe, Cisco and Intel. Before joining Bluetext, Gibbs lived and worked in Malta and Barcelona, Spain

  • communications firm that counts among its clients Google, Adobe, Cisco and Intel. Before joining Bluetext, Gibbs lived and worked in Malta and Barcelona, Spain, where she served as chief marketing officer for emerging mobile media companies. Prior to moving abroad, Gibbs served as senior vice president for consumer marketing and ecommerce at PlanetOut, a leading media and entertainment company based in San Francisco. She also helped lead the company to a successful IPO in 2004. Earlier, Gibbs was executive

  • in the 1999 World Cup to win the United States its second World Cup title.  Named as an Assistant Coach in 2000, the National Team won a Silver Medal at the Sydney Olympic Games and a second Gold Medal in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.  In the most watched Olympics in history, the Team won their third Gold Medal in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing China.  The United States is the only country in the world to finish in the top three of every major world championship in soccer history

  •  Intern Grant Fun Fact: 96% of PLU principal candidates who applied for last years grant received itAlternative LoansAlso known as private loans, alternative educational loans help bridge the gap between the actual cost of your education and the limited amount the government allows you to borrow in its programs. Private loans are offered by private lenders and there are no federal forms to complete. Click here to learn more about these loans and/ or apply.Fast ChoicePrivate educational loan comparer

  • organization’s commitment to research and education. In addition to having 88 neighborhood branches and the largest circulation in the country, NYPL is the world’s largest public research library and works extensively with New York City Public Schools. “It’s actually three different types of library all rolled into one,” Bannon says. “There’s nothing like it.” NYPL is a world-class collecting institution, but its access philosophy is different from many peer organizations with similar collections. “It’s

  • Black woman stand-up comic to host Saturday Night Live Tiffany Haddish First Black woman stand-up comic to host an episode of Saturday Night Live in its 43-season history. The famous Black comedian Whoopi Goldberg, the winner of an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony, has never hosted the show. Source: Print biographies and autobiographies of women in the Mortvedt Library Collection on display for Women’s History Month: Blood

  • and African American Studies program at Loyola University Maryland, while contributing courses to its gender studies program. I also participate in relevant student organizations addressing LGBT rights, sexual assault, and other important concerns. My feminist literature courses continue to be my most intellectually rewarding. In fact, when I interviewed for my job at Loyola, I pitched my dream course: a study of “dead women talking.” From Madeline Usher to Toni Morrison’s Beloved, these strange