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  • Tacoma, May 16, 2021 This week we interviewed Mariken Lund , a PLU junior and Innovation Studies minor who recently started her own sustainable clothing business in Norway. Mariken is an international student who normally studies Business and other subjects on the PLU campus. However,…

    through two courses in the Innovation Studies program with Professor Michael Halvorson. Despite learning online, the lessons stuck. “The goal of Innovation Studies is to help us be creative and multiply our impact through teaming and social initiatives. I was hooked!” Lund continued to experiment with clothing design and her friends began to notice. During Winter 2020, she decided to advertise some of her hand-made products to people in the Oslo area. The response was strong enough that she launched

  • /* fix for jQuery UI library issues when using the date picker popup */ jQuery.browser = {}; (functi

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 24, 2016)- In the U.S. and around the world, rivers represent primary sources for the water we need to live. But PLU digital media major Rachel Lovrovich ’18 did not become aware that many major water sources are in serious trouble until…

    around Tacoma, as well as on location in Portland, Washington, D.C., upstate New York, Ontario, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, Vancouver, B.C., and elsewhere. In addition to Lovrovich, who served as creative director and also serves as MediaLab’s general manager, the “Changing Currents” research and film production team includes business major John Struzenberg ’16, director of photography and chief editor; communication major Chris Boettcher ’17, social media associate; art and graphic design major

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 21, 2016)- Senior Tyler Dobies and first-year Caitlin Johnston say spring break changed their lives. While some Pacific Lutheran University students may have gone on vacation or had fun in the sun, other Lutes – like Johnston and Dobies – were busy…

    Center for Global and Community Engaged Education. In partnership with the PLU Diversity Center, the trip sent eight students to Georgia and South Carolina to study environmental justice in a civil rights context. The trip focused largely on the history of racism and slavery, the importance of primary resources in an economic context and modern devices in society that unjustly divide people into different socioeconomic and racial areas. “The whole experience was very meaningful,” Dobies said. “It put

  • Knutson Lecture

    , write, and give lots of public talks as a member of the Jewish Studies faculty at San Francisco State University. Thanks to the Goldman Family (think Levi Strauss), I hold an endowed research chair in Jewish Studies and Social Responsibility, gifting me a platform to talk about my passion for Jewish social justice. I believe it’s a scholar’s obligation (and privilege) to “complicate the narrative and deepen learning.” I bring that motto to every place I teach. Whatever you learned growing up about

  • Faculty Governance at PLU empowers faculty, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents, in the area of educational policy.

    Bylaws can be found in the Faculty Handbook.Key faculty policies and legislation include the following: Academic Identity Statement Principles of Academic Freedom Intellectual Property Policy Integrative Learning Objectives January term Rationale Philosophy of Faculty Compensation Student-Faculty Research & Creative Projects Strategic Plans Principles on General Education PLU 2010 Faculty Resolution November 2000 Statement on Learning Environment

    Faculty Governance
    Administration Bldg., Room 103 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • After a rare heart condition cut her soccer career short, Shelby Daly ’13 found her calling as an athletic trainer.

    . “It was heartbreaking,” she said. “It was hard, because my friends were all away at soccer during the week and on the weekends. I just tried to become more involved on campus. I tried to enjoy the social aspect of college more.” She wasn’t used to having so much free time, but those newfound hours weren’t all bad. Daly always wanted to get involved in the athletic-training room at PLU, but her soccer schedule kept her too busy. After her diagnosis, she had the time, “and it just kind of clicked

  • tradition that is part of the transition into full adulthood in a nation where religion is voluntary. Their conversations also reflect a decade-plus intensification of students’ interest in open exploration of spirituality as part of their educational journeys. PLU students’ spiritual quests exemplify those found in a large-scale study of students who entered 236 diverse colleges and universities in the United States in the fall of 2004. In 2007 UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute published the

  • Understanding Types of Financial AidA wide variety of resources are available to help students and their families meet the costs of a PLU education. More than 90% of PLU students receive some form of financial aid. Financial aid is money to help meet the cost of your education that comes from federal, state and university resources, as well as alumni, friends and sources independent of PLU.Scholarships & Grants:Awards that do not have to be repaid, they can be based on academic achievement