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  • clips while answering an exam or quiz question concerning it. This latter case can be especially useful in language or music courses. Students can also now easily add YouTube content within their discussion posts in Forums. For students to use the Audio Player in their posts, the instructor will first need to create a specific folder in the Resources tool, grant students upload permissions to that folder, and tell students which folder they should upload their audio content to.   What about non

  • ? Associate Professor of French, Rebecca Wilkin, sent a few emails and Facebook chats to find out. Signe Johnson (Class of 2011; Major: French; Minor: Printing & Publishing Arts) teaches junior high school math in North Central Iowa, not far from where she grew up. She adores her students and finds teaching exhausting but incredibly rewarding. “PLU helped me establish a strong foundation in critical thought,” she reflects. “Above all, I feel empowered to ask questions as I continue learning and to help

  • Information in the Time of COVID-19Updated January 14, 2020 at 8:45am. This webpage provides guidance and information given the unique situation of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This information is compiled based on information and emerging policies from the university, Education Department, The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), and questions submitted by students. We will update the content as new information becomes available and we further adapt our

  • worked out O.K. for Parsons.) He landed at Microsoft, working as a product manager on Monster Truck Madness II. Then came the more famous titles, and then the opportunity to work on the then secret Xbox. When Parsons was asked to work on Microsoft’s acquisition of Bungie Studios – creator of the Halo series – his career officially could be considered headed for the stratosphere. We all know how Halo worked out. As studio manager of Bungie Studios, he presided over the creation of the most critically

  • A person who provides a service to the academic program, but who is not in one of the previously mentioned classifications, has neither voice nor vote in the Faculty Assembly, has no vote in electronic balloting, and may not vote on matters of personnel (e.g. the election of chair and dean, and the hiring of new faculty).

  • Application TimelineDNP applications are accepted at any time throughout the year on a rolling basis. However, to enhance your potential for admission and make yourself eligible for financial assistance, we recommend you submit the application by the following application priority dates: Priority Date #1: December 1 Priority Date #2: February 1 Priority Date #3: March 15 Applications submitted after the application priority dates will be reviewed on a rolling basis until May 1. Start Term: BSN

  • University of Maryland, where she teaches Media and International Affairs in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism. I wouldn’t call it compassion fatigue, but more of a burnout, a distinction I feel confident making after all my research. But just like the caregivers we studied, we knew that our work wasn’t about us as individuals, but instead about doing something greater than ourselves. It was experiences, like that in Joplin and interviewing Bobby Senn, which helped remind us of our mission. My

  • Faculty elections are conducted electronically. Ballots are normally to be completed within one week after distribution. Elections are conducted jointly by the Governance Committee and the faculty secretary, who acts jointly with the chair of the Governance Committee to officially certify the election results. After each election, a statement is issued to inform the faculty of the names of candidates who have been elected and of the positions still to be filled. At its discretion, the

  • The Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4.A.2 provides for the creation of university committees involving faculty.  University Standing Committees are as follows: Capital Expenditures Committee; Human Participants Review Board; Institutional Animal Care and Use; Parking Committee; Retirement Fund Advisory Committee; Student Life Awards Committee; Title IX Committee; University Benefits Committee; University Budget Advisory Committee; University Committee on Honorary Degrees; University Diversity

  • Faculty Standing Committees (defined in Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4, subsection A, 1) are as follows: Academic Performance and Integrity; Core Curriculum; Educational Policies; Faculty Affairs; Global Education; Governance; Rank and Tenure. The Faculty Executive Committee is described in the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3. The membership, advisory membership, general purpose, and specific duties of each committee are described below.Section 1. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND INTEGRITY COMMITTEE