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  • Rialto Theater in Tacoma. The event will highlight the need for collaboration between Africa and America, and it will help raise funds for 12 orphans living in Nairobi, Kenya, who lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. It features entertainment by Saul Williams, poet, actor, author and humanitarian; 2021, a positive hip-hop crew; Reality Check, a dance troupe and youth outreach organization; Peacetime Armory, specializing in music and poetry; Naomi Kimani, Kenya’s 2007 Best New Teen Talent; and work by

  • see artifacts relevant to what we are teaching, such as Scandinavian immigration and music, and the students are mesmerized to get a firsthand look at some of the things they have only seen in books,” said Jenkins, who also serves as chair of the university’s Scandinavian studies program. Preserving the collection of priceless artifacts is fundamental to the mission of the SCC. The additional help, she says, is highly appreciated. “The Registrars to the Rescue program knows that all museums

  • ? Better than science is science with heart, science with ethics, science with equity, science with justice.”] [video: Four short clips of Rebecca and Professor Munro in a chemistry lab, doing experiments and teaching, respectively. Rebecca heating using round bottom flask under a fume hood to look at the sample vial] (upbeat music continues) [video: Professor Munro is sitting in a chemistry classroom with a whiteboard and projector screen in the background. There is a front and side video angle. Text

  • Thinking about Graduate School in the Natural Sciences?Are you passionate about research and interested in advancing your education beyond your undergraduate experience? It is our goal to support and encourage your efforts to continue your professional development in graduate school. This page will provide some useful information and contacts for you as you start your journey. You will find information on: What can you do now to prepare for your application to graduate school? Finding the right

  • violence and what lessons might be drawn for us, here at PLU. The example that came to mind was Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, a small village in south central France, which during the days of World War II sheltered approximately 5,000 Jews and other refugees from the Nazis in what one of these sheltered children, film maker Pierre Sauvage, called “a conspiracy of Goodness.”2 During a time when many people found their consciences challenged to respond to the violence in their midst, one community led by two

  • substance use disorder Level I or Level II treatment (directly or through agreement), and rehabilitative case management. Training sites have designated instructors for clinical supervision. Providing key program metrics and feedback regarding the level of student preparation. Federal Financial AidExternal Scholarship ResourcesMilitary Aid Programs

  • featured an incorporated plot with four main characters and numerous side characters. “Every year NOMT is different,” Stenson said. “It’s more fun this way because I get to play multiple characters.” With a completely student-run production and a cast of very involved students, time management is a challenge. Stenson is involved in many music activities on top of his commitment to NOMT, and many cast members share a similar story. “Rehearsals have to be very late at night,” he said. “We sometimes lose

  • Alumni News – Resolute Online: Fall 2017 Search Features Features Welcome Shaping Health Care Protectors Turned Perpetrators Summer of Science Emotional Labor Economics Students Expand Possibilities A Different Kind of Whale Watching Rigorous Project Inspires First-Year’s Path On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Training Goals Dear Fellow Alumni… Homecoming and Family Weekend Bjug Day Christmas Concerts Holocaust Conference 2017

  • Microeconomics: Global and Environmental Business principles (4 credits from the following): BUSA 201: Introduction to Business in a Global Environment Design and Communication principles (4 credits from the following): ARTD 110: Graphic Design 1- An introduction to design through the study of basic techniques, color theory, and composition. COMA 215: Writing in Communication Careers- Introduces students to the fundamental standards and expectations in communication writing. (3) ElectiveFour Semester Hours

  • Psychology). Prerequisites: PSYC101. (4) PSYC 320 : Development Across the Lifespan Biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development from conception through adulthood to death. Prerequisite: PSYC 101. (4) PSYC 330 : Social Psychology The study of how an individual's thoughts and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others. Research and theory concerning topics such as person perception, attitudes, group processes, prejudice, aggression, and helping behaviors are discussed. Prerequisite