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  • Chinese Studies Program Learning OutcomesPLU students taking courses in Chinese Studies at PLU will: Demonstrate Chinese language ability through Novice High level according to ACTFL standards, and Demonstrate understanding to Chinese religious traditions (Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism), and Demonstrate understanding of China anthropologically in the context of other East Asian societies, and Learn about other elements of Chinese culture such as literature, art, and music pending course

  • International Honors Program Learning OutcomesWhat follows are two different ways of expressing the same International Honors Program Learning Outcomes: the first version is aimed at students beginning their studies; the second version is expressed in terms professors tend to use. International Honors Program Learning Outcomes:  From the Student’s Perspective Learn how different disciplines approach the same problems, and then put their methods together to get new, bigger perspective on those

  • Post- Graduate Certificate Program Outcomes1. Functions as a licensed independent practitioner. 2. Demonstrates the highest level of accountability for professional practice. 3. Practices independently managing previously diagnosed and undiagnosed patients. 4. Provides patient-centered care recognizing cultural diversity and the patient or designee as a full partner in decision-making. 5. Educates professional and lay caregivers to provide culturally and spiritually sensitive, appropriate care

  • Annual Unit Report (revised April 2024) (pdf) view download To be completed by Associate Deans and Department/Program Chairs and Directors

  • Marriage and Family Therapy Program GoalsPLU MFT Students and graduates will be: Systemically-oriented MFT Professionals Contextually sensitive MFT Professionals committed to diversity and inclusion Ethical and effective MFT Professionals in the community mental health context Professionals who identify as Marriage and Family Therapists Student Learning Outcomes associated with Program Goals (with measurable outcomes and targets/benchmarks) 1. Students and graduates will understand and practice

  • ScienceKevin Shen9OlympiaA Novel Approach to Biomimicking the Avian Tail on Fixed Wing Micro Air Vehicles 4th Claire Atkinson12Central KitsapThe Effect of A Green Roof's Plant Cover on its Ecological Benefits 2022 9-12 Place Awards CategoryPlaceNamesGradeSchoolProject Title Behavioral & Social Sciences1stMira Kunz11BellarmineThe Impact of COVID-19 On Adolescent Anxiety and Depression Behavioral & Social Sciences2ndAidan Moore12BellarmineThe Effect of Perceived Sex of Target on the Self-Disclosure of

  • Learning Outcomes of the Undergraduate Business ProgramBachelor of Business Administration Graduates will: Be effective communicators            a.  Student can write a well-organized and grammatically correct paper, memo, or case that is informative and professional            b. Student can make an effective presentation that is informative and professional      2. Think Critically           a.  Student can apply relevant information to a business problem and arrive at a well-reasoned

  • Publishing & Printing Arts (PPA) Program (Interdisciplinary Minor)Learning Outcomes Through studying the history of print culture, students will review the variety of modes of human expression from antiquity to the present day and analyze the interrelationships between particular cultures and their modes of recording, disseminating, and interpreting information. Through studio press work, students will practice the traditional arts and crafts of the book, its design, and its production and

  • continue learning outside the limitations of the class schedule. Sharlene reflects on the impact the center has on students by saying that through the supplemental assistance, tutors and assistant directors are able “to help the students not only get better grades but become better students.”  While the PLC is primarily focused on academic success, the center is much more than that for these student directors. It’s also a community. They all echo each other when expressing their gratitude for the

  • History Program at PLUThrough the study of history at Pacific Lutheran University students gain an understanding and appreciation of the historical perspective. Opportunities for developing analytical and interpretative skills are provided through research and writing projects, internships, class presentations, and study tours. The practice of the historical method leads students off campus to their hometowns, to Europe, China or the American West, and to community institutions, both private