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  • May 24, 2010 PLU Fulbright recipients ready to engage the world By Chris Albert This year, three PLU students – Eric Buley, Nicolette Paso and Kelly Ryan – received prestigious U.S. Fulbright Student Fellowships. Since 1975, 83 students from PLU have received the award. Eric Buley will be teaching in Venezuela and Nicolette Paso will be conducting research in Germany. Both adventures are as U.S. Student Fulbright Fellows. (Photo by John Froschauer) Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the

  • training and education in the professions which modern society requires” [my italics]?To date, we have begun discussions about new programs in which courses offered by faculty in the professional schools would be combined with courses traditionally offered by faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. Professors in the professional schools are also being drawn into foundational courses, such as the Freshman experience. Potential cross-disciplinary programs that result from such creative overlaps are

  • Humanities.Now Facebook, Twitter, and Email multiply quotidian word-counts. Words without measure—information, disinformation, misinformation—all calling for thoughtful reflection. Our contemporary world is one of business, busy-ness; but contemplation requires leisure, about which the Greek word for leisure σχολή, reminds us in our cognates school, scholar, scholastic, etc. Some years ago, John Ciardi offered a regular program on NPR called “A Word in Your Ear.” This was a program about fascinating word

  • it seems, especially at this time, that we need profound text, music and artistry to help—in whatever small way—heal a broken world,” Galante says. “This title binds the music in our concert into that one theme.” As an example, the ensemble will perform a set of pieces that represent beauty overcoming hatred. John Muehleisen’s When All is Done was written in response to the murder of Matthew Sheppard, and describes our resolve to “go on,” to reject the notion that hate and violence win. Ēriks

  • . “Wait, I think I hear it over there,” said Smith, stopping a conversation about the how wrens seem to be drowning out all the other calls in this forest – and directing her microphone, with a parabolic reflector attached, at the call. Both listen intently, mics at the ready. After about a minute, the pair, satisfied they have captured a good sound track, turn off  their recorders and start up the conversation again. “I know I should probably study something else,” said Smith.”But I just love these

  • September 3, 2009 New Chemistry department instrument will help students and profs probe world of the atom It looks like a rather fat, squat water heater. But to the students and professors gathered around it – or, more accurately, the computer that transmits readouts from it, the machine is pure magic. It is called a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, or NMR. Today, the students from Professor Neal Yakelis’ organic chemistry lab are trying to figure out the structure of an unknown

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 12, 2015)— The 2015 Celebration of Leadership recognized students who live lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care while empowering their peers to do the same. On Monday, May 11, the Division of Student Life welcomed PLU faculty, administrators, staff and…

    comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU move-in day 2024 September 4, 2024 PLU Director of Athletics and Recreation Mike Snyder named President of NADIIIAA August 16, 2024 PLU College of Liberal Studies welcomes Dean Stephanie Johnson July 24, 2024 Three students share how scholarships support them in their pursuit to make the world better than how they found it June 24, 2024

  • club featuring “real men.” The strip-tease side job forces the men into a exposed situation, where they struggle with their own identity in a society where an individual’s job is everything. The PLU Theatre department’s production of The Full Monty takes on identity as laid-off mill workers find strength in performing as male strippers. “What’s more vulnerable,” Clapp said, “taking your clothes off in front of people or losing your identity?” This is the first time PLU has ever produced The Full

  • The 2018 Rachel Carson Science and Technology Lecture Posted by: halvormj / March 6, 2018 March 6, 2018 TUESDAY | MARCH 6, 2018 | 7:30PM | ANDERSON UNIVERSITY CENTER – CK @ PLU The Innovation Studies program at PLU would like to draw attention to an important event on campus with much value for our students and faculty: The 2018 Rachel Carson Science, Technology, and Society Lecture. Dr. Pamela Ronald This year’s distinguished speaker is Dr. Pamela Ronald, a Distinguished Professor in the

  • July 1, 2011 PLU Associate Professor Vidya Thirumurthy draws a kolam, an artful design that Hindu households use to communicate with their community. (Photo by John Froschauer) Connecting the dots: Letting neighbors know “all is well” with the world By Steve Hansen, Scene Editor Each morning, on the doorstop of every home in Vidya Thirumurthy’s hometown of Chennai – indeed, in much of Southern India – women and girls create what’s known as a kolam out of rice flour. An intricate geometric