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  • retreats and has presented at both National Association of Student Personnel Administrators conference and NASPAtech. Donna L. Gibbs, vice president of marketing and communications Gibbs most recently served as managing director, and helped establish the west coast operations, of Bluetext, a Washington, D.C.-based digital marketing and strategic communications firm that counts among its clients Google, Adobe, Cisco and Intel. Before joining Bluetext, Gibbs lived and worked in Malta and Barcelona, Spain

  • concepts of student development. Lace has been a facilitator for the Student Social Justice Training Institute, at multiple queer student leadership retreats and has presented at both National Association of Student Personnel Administrators conference and NASPAtech. Donna L. Gibbs, vice president of marketing and communications Gibbs most recently served as managing director, and helped establish the west coast operations, of Bluetext, a Washington, D.C.-based digital marketing and strategic

  • a Vice President and Senior Sales Executive for SuperGraphics, an innovative Seattle-based company that specializes in retail and environmental print solutions with a diverse client base that ranges from small local businesses to Boeing and the Seattle Seahawks. Thanks to Thorpe, that client list also includes PLU. “It’s extremely rewarding to know that I can help out my alma mater,” he said. “It’s been a great partnership and relationship. The reason I loved PLU in the first place is that PLU

  • Endeavor: Senior Capstone Portfolios See all the projects and art that our Art and Design seniors have created. Meet Our Students Bua BergBFA, Painting Bua Berg will graduate in May 2021 with a BFA in Painting. She is a passionate artist who loves incorporating fine art with fashion design thus creating her own art medium.Portfolio Joyce HardenBFA, Graphic Design | Environmental Studies minor Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Joyce has always found peace in the outdoors. By combining her

  • environment as part of a comprehensive biosafety risk assessment.  Each country classifies the agents in that country by risk group based on pathogenicity of the organism, modes of transmission and host range of the organism. These may be influenced by existing levels of immunity, density and movement of host population presence of appropriate vectors and standards of environmental hygiene.  Risk groups correlate, but do not equate to biosafety levels. “Sharps with engineered sharps injury protections

  • the Environmental Health and Safety Office immediately. Employees who violate health and safety regulations or who engage in conduct which creates an actual or potential workplace hazard may be subject to discipline. Employees shall not engage in outside activities which consume so much time and energy as to interfere with obligations to the university or which bring discredit or disrespect to the university. Each employee is personally responsible for all university assets and property assigned

  • Philosophy professors. Dr. Sergia Hay teaches courses in applied ethics and the history of philosophy. Her area of scholarly specialization is Søren Kierkegaard, and she is an organizer/officer within the SOPHIA Organization. Dr. Mike Rings teaches courses in ethics, social and political philosophy, and environmental philosophy. He helps Dr. Hay create SOPHIA-sponsored events that enact deep conversations and dialogues. The purpose of the SOPHIA organization, as Dr. Hay stated in an interview, “is to

  • challenges I’ve had to face was navigating through these decisions and making sure that what I choose is what I want and not what other people think is best for me. How did PLU contribute to your success? It gave me a chance to learn what it’s like to work with many different kinds of people from many backgrounds. I was able to grow many skills, not just in design, but in other areas as well. Katherine Williams ’16 (Graphic Design) Where are you working now? I am currently working as a Graphic Designer

  • motivating and inspiring.How did PLU prepare you for medical school?IB: PLU is very special in how available the professors are to students, which is something I’ve appreciated while talking with my classmates in medical school. I remember attending office hours with nearly all my professors at least once at PLU. I saved myself many hours of frustration by talking with my instructors and finding the areas in my knowledge where I could improve. Being able to connect with my professors helped a lot when I