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  • anemia crises that is effective in only 40% of patients. We are interested in synthesizing related compounds for biological study, including the natural product N,N’-dihydroxyurea (DHU) and its analogs based on drug design by David Mazziotti. Routes to DHU have been previously reported by Weifang et al. using triphosgene (40% yield) and Boyland et al. using phosgene (46%). S,S’-Dimethyldithiocarbonate (DMDTC) was chosen as a convenient precursor which could potentially improve the ease of isolation

  • [the Women’s Center and ROTC] share a lot of the same goals.” Keller said ROTC has a program similar to It’s On Us called SHARP, located in the resource area of the Memorial Gym. “We are all part of the human race,” said Keller. “We have to take care of each other. We have to stem this ugly tide. This is something that affects so many—it has personally affected my own family.” Keller, who has been on the PLU faculty since 2013, said he is making prevention about sexual assault a top priority. “I

  • GLST 287, Fall 2020 Resources PageCOVID-19: A Global Crisis Examined Resource page for participants electing the no-credit option GLST 287 LECTURE RECORDINGS, SLIDESHOWS, & READINGS September 9The Science of COVID 19 Part I:  The What, Where, and How of Coronaviruses Dr. Evan Eskew, Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Shannon Seidel, Assistant Professor of BiologyClick here to view the slideshow from September 9th’s class. September 16The Science of COVID 19 Part II:  Testing and Vaccine

  • PLU researchers shine light on RNA activities Professor of chemistry Neal Yakelis works with five su

  • community through FabLab and sharing his passion for a space that is so important to this community,” he said. Davis, standing among the scattered materials of past and ongoing projects, said he now spends much of his time working his day job at Costco. But his work at FabLab, which still includes teaching some classes, energizes his creativity. Davis says he often feels like he could build just about anything. All anyone needs is an idea, and FabLab can provide the rest — from the tools to make it

  • Chavarría, Molly House, Seth Gebauer, Elijah Paez, and Kenzie Knapp 2023 Recipient: Aniya Pickett 2022 Recipient: Kerry Dolan Congratulations! LEADERSHIP IN SUSTAINABILITY AWARDThis award honors a graduating student who has demonstrated leadership through education and advocacy for the sustainability of the earth and its inhabitants. The recipient has engaged the interconnection between people, planet, and prosperity, and incorporated economic, ethical, and environmental concerns into their lives and

  • spirituality connect with the societal or even environmental challenges they’re learning about in their classrooms. We try to keep this thinking in mind when we’re planning chapel services, and it’s also inspired things like our Reflect, Learn, Celebrate Queer Faith discussion series and a recent Bible study about decolonizing scripture. This is your seventh year as university pastor. How has the way you think about your unique role on campus changed become more nuanced, or perhaps even changed a bit, over

  • sole source that cannot be found elsewhere The product or service to be obtained must be compatible with product or service already acquired by the University Continuation, maintenance or update of an ongoing service Time does not permit competitive bidding due to a public emergency. A “public emergency” is classified as the need to correct or prevent an emergency health, environmental or safety hazard and/or enable the emergency repair or replacement of existing equipment essential for daily

  • to tell us your story and what makes you a great candidate to be a social worker. Resume/CV: Please be sure to list all your employment and volunteer experience, particularly work you’ve done in social service areas. If you earned your BSW 8+ years ago, please include all your social service-related experience since the time you graduated with your undergraduate degree. Recommendations:  Identify two recommenders on your application. If possible, get a recommendation someone who has worked with

  • —score, chart, lyrics or other documents as are appropriate and relevant—and then performed live or via recording. The portfolio (scores, charts, recordings) of all previous compositions created to date while at PLU. A Composition List, including dates and divided by category, showing the student’s comprehensive output to date. Students perform a separate, semester jury in their performance medium. ORGAN BM A 60-minute (minimum) recital representing at least three periods and geographical areas, one