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  • Powell-Heller Conference: Empowerment March 12-14, 2014Mission: The Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference at Pacific Lutheran University teaches the history and the lessons of the Holocaust to students and educators throughout the Pacific Northwest. This conference believes that through this education and from the teachings of present day scholars we will create an understanding of mutual respect among people for future generations.Speaker BiographiesSam Brill of Valley Forge, PA is the

  • Powell-Heller Conference: Empowerment March 12-14, 2014Mission: The Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference at Pacific Lutheran University teaches the history and the lessons of the Holocaust to students and educators throughout the Pacific Northwest. This conference believes that through this education and from the teachings of present day scholars we will create an understanding of mutual respect among people for future generations.Speaker BiographiesSam Brill of Valley Forge, PA is the

  • Powell-Heller Conference: Empowerment March 12-14, 2014Mission: The Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference at Pacific Lutheran University teaches the history and the lessons of the Holocaust to students and educators throughout the Pacific Northwest. This conference believes that through this education and from the teachings of present day scholars we will create an understanding of mutual respect among people for future generations.Speaker BiographiesSam Brill of Valley Forge, PA is the

  • MATH 105 : Mathematics of Personal Finance - MR, NS Emphasizes financial transactions important to individuals and families: annuities, loans, insurance, interest, investment, time value of money. Prerequisite: Eligibility based on PLU Math Placement Exam, or permission of instructor. (4) MATH 107 : Mathematical Explorations - MR, NS Mathematics and modern society. Emphasis on numerical and logical reasoning. Designed to increase awareness of applications of mathematics, to enhance enjoyment of

  • AND COMMUNITY ENGAGED EDUCATION Applications now being accepted. FALL 2023 TEACHING PARTNERSHIP WITH PLU ALUMNI AND NAMIBIAN EDUCATORS: Affirming PLU’s commitment to educational partnerships, the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education in collaboration with the Office of Alumni and Student Connections, is in the second year of two-year project to support collaborative opportunities with PLU Education Alumni and Namibian educators. The Uukumwe (togetherness) Pilot Fund aims to

  • February 1, 2008 Regents discuss accreditation, tuition, campaign The Board of Regents’ winter 2008 meeting kicked off on with the groundbreaking ceremony for the Martin J. Neeb Center, future home to KPLU and PLU’s development office. At the evening banquet, the first recipients of the Carol Sheffels Quigg Award for Excellence and Innovation were recognized. Named at the Christmas Luncheon, those honored include MediaLab and communication professors Joanne Lisosky and Rob Wells; the theater

  • Why Study Biology?Biology is an adventure! It’s solving problems about living organisms. As a student of biology you must have a curiosity about living things and a foundation for questioning, exploring, experimenting and experiencing the excitement of discovery.What careers are possible?Many of our biology graduates go on to programs leading to health-related professional careers in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, physical and occupational therapy, optometry, medical

  • are limitless. Software is a fundamental part of modern life. Most of what we do runs on software and the world needs quality people to create that software. We strive to educate our students to be responsible citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and to value life-long learning. Employers value our students for their technical ability, broad education, and excellent communication skills. The Computer Science program at Pacific Lutheran University provides a broad base of

  • Read what some of our PLU Trumpet alums have to say about our program:“Professor Lyman was able to individualize his instruction to meet my specific needs.  I never once felt like any of my time was generic hoops to jump through.  I learned how to be a better band director from being his student.  I had access to my teacher at times outside of my scheduled lessons.  He even came and found me in a practice room to provide additional advice after a conversation we had.  This would have never

  • Writing & EditingMarketing & Communications provides writing and editing support for print and online publications such as Resolute Magazine and Web homepage feature stories and a broad range of other publications. We support the work of many departments and organizations across campus, with major clients including the Office of Admission and the Office of Advancement. We prepare production schedules, plan story development, oversee writing assignments, direct photography and graphic design