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  • use of tobacco products is prohibited on the PLU campus, including the residence halls, inside campus buildings, in parking lots, on sidewalks, and any other campus property. This includes tobacco, marijuana, hookah (except for approved cultural and religious celebrations), e-cigarettes, vaporizers, or any items that emit gas or smoke. Possession of cigarettes, hookahs, e-cigarettes, and vaporizers are permitted, as long as these items are not being used on campus or in campus buildings and for

  • religious faith, shaped by our Lutheran heritage and tradition, informed by enduring educational values, dedicated to good and humane purpose. Yes, we are called to the task of building a new generation of those who would, serve even as they will lead this global orb. May God bless all that we do in this new academic year for the calling we hold is both a remarkable gift and a sacred trust. I am so honored to walk this journey with you. Please accept my very best wishes for the year ahead! Read Previous

  • thick clouds and wet snowflakes engulfed the view of the Cascades behind him. “If I could spend all my time here, I would.” He says outdoor adventure means grabbing the minimum amount of gear possible and trying something new. “It’s for the view, it’s for the feeling,” said de Mars, who says he has a religious moment every time he’s in nature. “This is my church.” The mountain isn’t just where de Mars plays — it’s also where he works. It’s where he spent a lot of time developing the latest product