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Alumni NewsletterSummer 2014New Forensics Director Builds on PLU LegacyPLU Forensics has a longstanding tradition of success, and this year they’ve added a new face to that tradition. Dr. Justin Eckstein, the new Forensics Director, holds a Doctorate in Rhetoric and Communication Ethics from the University of Denver. He is an award-winning researcher, and his work has been featured in internationally renowned argumentation periodicals.Dr. Eckstein has been involved in Forensics for the last 17
? Better than science is science with heart, science with ethics, science with equity, science with justice.”] [video: Four short clips of Rebecca and Professor Munro in a chemistry lab, doing experiments and teaching, respectively. Rebecca heating using round bottom flask under a fume hood to look at the sample vial] (upbeat music continues) [video: Professor Munro is sitting in a chemistry classroom with a whiteboard and projector screen in the background. There is a front and side video angle. Text
. Floyd College of Medicine is Washington’s community-based medical school. The college was created to expand medical education and health care access across the state. WSU College of Medicine: Offers degree and certificate programs in medicine, nutrition and exercise physiology, speech and hearing sciences, health administration and leadership, and medical ethics. Additionally, WSU has three graduate medical education residency programs — internal medicine, pediatric, and family medicine. Conducts
investment decisions to maximize stakeholders' value. Covers the fundamental process of ethical planning for, acquiring, and allocating funds by a business enterprise. Explores general financial decision tools including time value of money, basic bond valuation, basic stock valuation, the cost of capital, capital budgeting, working capital management, and other key finance topics. Prerequisites: BUSA 202, ECON 101, and STAT 231. (4) BUSA 303 : Business Law and Ethics Explores business law as a management
on when you are addressing stipulations, so the HPRB can tell what was changed. Also, when cutting and pasting material from a word processing program (e.g., Word), use: Control-Shift-V (for PCs) or Command-Shift-V (for Macs). This pastes without the formatting and makes fewer strange things happen when you try to edit. Still having trouble? Please feel free to reach out by email at (ONLINE ETHICS TRAINING) QUESTIONSHow do I register for CITI training and which courses do I need
science? Better than science is science with heart; science with ethics; science with equity; science with justice. William Foege, B.A. ‘57 (PLU), M.D., M.P.H.” The camera pans to Kyle taking notes on a whiteboard. The text at the bottom of the screen reads “4:00PM”] Kyle: So after lab and grabbing some snacks next door at Kelly cafe my classmates and I love to use the common spaces in Rieke and Morken to work together and study for our classes but don’t be surprised with the occasional study break to
State Book Award. She has also received a Whiting Award, an NEA grant, the Bakeless Prize, and a Pushcart Prize. Fiction and essays have appeared in journals and anthologies like Orion, The Georgia Review, Poets and Writers, and New Stories from the South, the Year’s Best. In 2016, she was the first recipient of the Barry Lopez Visiting Writer in Ethics and the Community Fellowship. She has a PhD in English literature from the University of Washington and was the Distinguished Writer-in-Residence at
students deliberately act out or assume characters or identities they would not normally assume in order to accomplish learning goals. Students often research their roles through independent study, but instructors may also provide specific assignments, such as readings, to serve as source material for the play. 35Ethical DilemmaStudents are presented with an ethics-based, discipline-related scenario in which someone must choose a course of action between two or more difficult alternatives. Students
to going to social-work school, which was helpful because social work largely focused on systems and policies, rather than the individual. I have to say that my ethics came largely from my undergraduate experience, as that was the time when I began to think critically about ethical concerns and how I would approach them. Psychology also gave me a “leg up” in graduate school because I already had the foundation for many of the theoretical concepts of the therapies I now use on a daily basis. How
documentary film of the same name (, 2005). He is co-editor with Susannah Heschel of Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust (Fortress, 1999) and has served on the Board of Editors of Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte since this journal was founded in 1988. He also is Chair of the Committee on Ethics, Religion and the Holocaust at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Conference ScheduleThursday, November 2Robert VentrescaJacques KornbergBeth A. Griech-PolelleLottie DurenCourtney OlsenSadie
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