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  • , and surrounded by blackboards that viewers can write upon. The overall work is a collection of multimedia vignettes illustrating mathematical concepts. Visitors to the piece will see a “knotical” (nautical) scene—featuring a bay, a boat, and a sea monster—exploring concepts in knot theory. A large handmade quilt composed of blocks depicts various forms of cryptography, while a soaring lighthouse is topped with a stained-glass dodecahedron. A dizzying variety of artistic mediums comprise the work

  • Teaching SquaresAre you interested in learning with and from your colleagues about pedagogy? Do you wish to get inspired by the awesome things happening in other people’s classrooms? Do you want non-evaluative feedback about your teaching from your peers? If so, you might be interested in joining a Teaching Square!What is a teaching square?Teaching Squares are an opportunity for faculty to gain insight into their own teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation

  • Faculty support for teaching online at PLU Online learning opportunities at PLU extend the university’s mission beyond campus borders, providing high-quality options that meet a variety of student needs while fostering strong student-faculty relationships and learning communities. Lenny Reisberg, Professor of Education“Teaching online has enabled place bound, nontraditional and working students to fully participate and successfully complete my courses.  It allows students the opportunity to

  • Economics Major RequirementsEconomics majors complete a minimum of 32 credit hours leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree within the College of Liberal Studies at PLU. (Complete course descriptions may be found here.) In addition to the university and college requirements, economics majors must complete: Required Courses for all Economic Majors: ECON 101 , 102, and 499 ECON 301 or 302 STAT 231 or MATH/STAT 242 Note: ECON 301 and ECON302 both have a pre-requisite of MATH128/151. Please see your

  • Economics Minor RequirementsEconomics minors complete a minimum of 20 credit hours. (Complete course descriptions may be found here.) In addition to the university and college requirements, economics minors must complete: ECON 101; 102; 301 or 302 Note: ECON 301 and ECON302 both have a pre-requisite of MATH128/151. Please see your advisor to ensure you are on track to meet these math pre-requisites.    8 additional semester hours of Economics electives. 4 hours of which may be from ECON 301 or

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 20, 2015)- Thomas Kim ‘15 is passionate about “Justice.” So passionate, in fact, that he likes to really emphasize the word by treating it as a proper noun. His passion doesn’t include just capitalizing Js, however: he’s walking his talk (and type)…

    school plan was to work full-time at a teriyaki restaurant… It wasn’t until my good friend Taryn Dee ’16 told me about PLU that I even applied. PLU decided to invest a full-tuition Regents Scholarship in me. In May of 2015, I graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in mathematical economics, Bachelors of Science in psychology and a minor in statistics. I now am a Juris Doctorate candidate at the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. Why did you decide to attend law school? Not being

  • American Mathematical Society List of Summer REUS Posted by: nicolacs / January 30, 2023 January 30, 2023 The Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) programs support active research participation by undergraduate students. REU projects involve students in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program. Applicants should note that most application deadlines fall in February – March. An REU Site consists of a group of 10 or so undergraduates who

  • Economics Major Learning Outcomes 1: Understand the conditions under which markets do and do not work well to allocate scarce resources for the social good, and analyze the effects of market characteristics and underlying conditions on economic outcomes. 2: Use economic reasoning to analyze current economic events and the effects of public policies. 3: Clearly communicate economic reasoning in oral and written form.   Revised 1/2023

  • We Asked Students:WHY ECONOMICS AT PLU? “My econ 101 professor approached me about majoring in economics. I like the math meaning behind what I am doing and the fact that I have a lot of job opportunities in the future.”“Economics allows me to double major in music. My economics major is applicable to the field of work I want to pursue once I graduate.” “We are learning elasticity in my introductory microeconomics class and I was able to see a real life application of elasticity relating to