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  • sight for today’s Lutes. Rather than intersectionality efforts coming entirely from students and impromptu organizing, she was seeing intentional structures, conversations, and faculty hires that prioritized it. “I remember Erin Dana being like this amazing leader in that center and I was like, wow, what happened here in the in-between?” Emily said. “I don’t think tensions were resolved or minds were changed, or — I just think we made enough noise to keep something rumbling.” Katie said that seeing

  • ) Distribution ElectivesENGL 216: Topics in Literature: Emphasis on Cross Cultural Perspectives (Prof. Solveig Robinson) Topic: Literature of the Raj POLS 365: Race and Ethnic Politics (Prof. Maria Chavez-Pringle) An interdisciplinary examination of the way racial and ethnic conflict shapes and structures American political, social, and economic life focused on the best path toward democratic equality. Discussions center on the literature that examines the integration of disenfranchised ethno-racial groups

  • of solar-powered hydrogen fuel-cell cars. Our visitors even get the chance to take out the Porsche of the department – the new NMR spectrometer, that is – for a test spin, using it to compare the structures of ibuprofen and acetaminophen. So, when you get the chance, don’t be afraid to try on a pair of goggles and think about your own atoms and molecules. You’ll never look at your morning coffee the same way again. – Perspective by Neal Yakelis, assistant professor of chemistry Read Previous A

  • communities have experienced lots of trauma,” she said. “This event brings a lot of healing.” Kelly Hall '16 dances with the Samish tribe during their protocol at the annual canoe journey, hosted by the Puyallup Tribe of Indians. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) In potlatch tradition, canoe journey hosts provide lodging, food and other accommodations for tribes that travel from as far north as Alaska. They also provide massive tent structures for protocol, the ceremonial sharing of songs, dances and stories

  • because it gave me many new perspectives on the world. How people interact with each other, nature, social structures, etc, can all be traced to religious history. Being able to understand this has provided me the knowledge and empathy to interact with people of many different backgrounds and belief systems, which is a valuable insight I am very grateful for. Final Video Presentation “But...How Should Our Women Pray?” An Interpretation of Paul’s Conflicting Comments to the Corinthians (1 Cor 11:2-16

  • and impact of wellbeing opportunities and conditions for all community members, including: (1) cultivating a shared cultural understanding of an ecosystems approach to collective wellbeing, and (2) mapping meaningful programs and activities that support thriving for students, staff, faculty, and the Parkland/Tacoma communities in which PLU is situated. Strategic Tactic No. 4 | Data Storytelling Continue to purposefully steward data and build capacity for expanded data literacy through storytelling

  • .gm-style img { max-width: none !important; } //the google map var plu_map; //location data used to create the markers var plu_map_locations = [ ["-4.038333", "21.758663999999953", "THViYSBQaXBl", "PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0iYXJ0LWltYWdlIj4NCjxpbWcgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL3d3dy5wbHUuZWR1L2FmcmljYW5hcnRjb2xsZWN0aW9uL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy9zaXRlcy8yNDUvMjAxNS8wOS9sdWJhLXBpcGUuanBnIiAvPg0KPC9kaXY

  • Andrews) Late Holocene Use of the Mt. Rainier Area: Inferences Drawn From Comparative Flaked Stone Tool Data 2008-2009 Hannah Tofte (faculty: Bradford Andrews) Prehistoric Technology, Subsistence, and Settlement in the Grand Park Area 2007-2008 Lindsay Zager (faculty: Bradford Andrews) Academic Activism Through an Educated Lens: Primate Observation to Promote Primate Conservation 2006-2007 Krystle Amundson (faculty: Neal Sobania) The Hans and Thelma Lehman Collection of African Art at PLU: An Updated

  • Effective Communicators Students can write a well-organized and grammatically correct paper, memo, or case that is informative and professional Students can make an effective presentation that is informative and professional Think Critically Students can apply relevant information to a business problem and arrive at a well-reasoned conclusion Students can analyze and interpret quantitative data in decision making Have an Ethical Perspective Students can recognize ethical issues and recommend a course of

  • . Prepare solutions, buffers, and other critical components for the Biochemistry department. Track reagent inventories for the Biochemistry department. Streamline processes and SOPs. Process and analyze data to make informed decisions. Provide input and experimentation to improve the Sequencing By eXpansion technology. What you will learn: Advanced analytical techniques and best practices. Hands-on experience with next generation sequencing technology. Ability to work with multiple R&D departments