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  • his white roommate. And Wallace also knew that both Pacific Lutheran University students likely viewed the narrative behind recent cases of police brutality differently, as a result. He used their conversation about the nation’s racially charged incidents as a teaching moment for his roommate, who Wallace says never needed to think about how their upbringings contrast. “We’re taught two different things when we’re growing up,” Wallace recalled explaining to his friend, who he fondly calls “the

  • Alumni NewsletterSummer 2014New Forensics Director Builds on PLU LegacyPLU Forensics has a longstanding tradition of success, and this year they’ve added a new face to that tradition. Dr. Justin Eckstein, the new Forensics Director, holds a Doctorate in Rhetoric and Communication Ethics from the University of Denver. He is an award-winning researcher, and his work has been featured in internationally renowned argumentation periodicals.Dr. Eckstein has been involved in Forensics for the last 17

  • KuipersKeetje Kuipers is the author of three books of poems, including Beautiful in the Mouth (BOA, 2010), winner of the A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize and a Poetry Foundation bestseller. Her second collection, The Keys to the Jail (2014), was a book club pick for The Rumpus, and her third book, All Its Charms (2019), includes poems honored by publication in both The Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry anthologies. Her poetry and prose have appeared in Narrative, Tin House, Virginia Quarterly Review, The

  • ,” Moore said it was an “extraordinary stroke of genius” to depict a menorah as Jesus’ family tree. “Those spiritual traditions often have more in common than things that divide us,” she said. I always come back to the first illumination in The Saint John’s Bible when people ask why I was in Collegeville learning about a Bible; it summarizes the book’s narrative in a neat little package. The story: Creation. The task: creating an image of the story without making anyone mad. No easy feat, but it seems

  • . (2007). A question of belonging: Race, social fit, and achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 82–96. About The Listen campaign is a collection of individual stories that provide multiple perspectives on what it means to be a community that not only embraces diversity, but also works actively in community to promote social change. Through personal narrative and storytelling, Listen can serve as a catalyst to actively engage the entire community in reaching our goals of being a

  • ? Better than science is science with heart, science with ethics, science with equity, science with justice.”] [video: Four short clips of Rebecca and Professor Munro in a chemistry lab, doing experiments and teaching, respectively. Rebecca heating using round bottom flask under a fume hood to look at the sample vial] (upbeat music continues) [video: Professor Munro is sitting in a chemistry classroom with a whiteboard and projector screen in the background. There is a front and side video angle. Text

  • . Floyd College of Medicine is Washington’s community-based medical school. The college was created to expand medical education and health care access across the state. WSU College of Medicine: Offers degree and certificate programs in medicine, nutrition and exercise physiology, speech and hearing sciences, health administration and leadership, and medical ethics. Additionally, WSU has three graduate medical education residency programs — internal medicine, pediatric, and family medicine. Conducts

  • modern city, but a strange place in which machines have asserted their authority over human beings. In this course we will examine various representations of the city in narrative, philosophy and film throughout the 20th and 21st century, from Woolf’s postwar London, to Borges’ cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, to Wender’s Berlin of the late 80s, to filmmaker Fernando Meirelles’ urban segregation in Río de Janeiro, with particular attention to how the urban space is refunctioned in times of political

  • perspectives and thoughtful service to the common good. Vision Narrative Innovation We will pursue continuous structural, programmatic and curricular innovation as an intrinsic and essential aspect of how we realize and sustain our mission. We seek innovation that will build on our strengths, increase student opportunities, expand access to a transformative education, and further enhance our standing as both rigorous and relevant. Pathways of distinction We will continue our commitment to previously

  • on when you are addressing stipulations, so the HPRB can tell what was changed. Also, when cutting and pasting material from a word processing program (e.g., Word), use: Control-Shift-V (for PCs) or Command-Shift-V (for Macs). This pastes without the formatting and makes fewer strange things happen when you try to edit. Still having trouble? Please feel free to reach out by email at (ONLINE ETHICS TRAINING) QUESTIONSHow do I register for CITI training and which courses do I need