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  • case where we need to cut the narrow-sighted enthusiasm for a frontier technology down to size? Maybe we should say to medicine, “Down in front!”   Should History Tell a Story?Reappraising the Rift Between Faith and Reason: Could Science Help Us Think About Religion? Read Previous Should History Tell a Story? Read Next Reappraising the Rift Between Faith and Reason: Could Science Help Us Think About Religion? LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures

  • paper and crows. [4] PLU’s Mortvedt Library The ironies of our Time Being, brought to imaginative expression, perhaps lie in our increasing forgetfulness of the humanizing gifts from the past. Even the meaning of liberal arts education has become confused and debased by the contemporary industrialization of education. The Humanities embody the two central concerns of liberal education traced by Bruce Kimball in his history Orators and Philosophers [5]: recollection and the study of words. In the

  • Services that will help me gain knowledge in international development and management. Within the next few years I plan to continue education by attending graduate school aboard to study International Relations or Development Economics. I would ultimately like to have a career working on Africa’s economic development policies. Brian Higginbotham, Bachelor of Arts in history with a minor in political science Brain Higginbotham ’13 is from Woodinville, Wash. Why PLU? I chose to come to PLU because it

  • will start making an immediate impact on the world—mostly because they already have done so much at PLU. Here’s a look at just a few outstanding members of this year’s graduating class.Greg HibbardMajors: Geoscience and Economics. Hometown: Olympia, Washington. Accomplishments at PLU: NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship recipient, two-time Capital One First Team Academic All American (first male student-athlete in PLU’s history to receive this honor twice), 2014 Football Team Captain, football player all

  • and learning led to a deep and abiding belief in the importance of education for all people (not just Lutherans!) at all levels—from preschool to graduate education—that Lutherans have been justly famous for throughout our 500-year history. Pacific Lutheran University is an expression of that Lutheran commitment to education and learning. But take it a step further. For Luther, learning was never an end in itself. It was always learning for the sake of serving our neighbor who, as Jesus taught us

  • March 8 | 7:30 p.m. | Anderson University Center (Scandinavian Cultural Center) This year’s distinguished speaker is Dr. Jim Anderson, Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at Harvard University. His lecture is titled “The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change.” Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concerts March 15 | 8 p.m. | Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Members of PLU’s choral and jazz ensembles will perform selections from Duke Ellington’s “Sacred Concerts.” Religion

  • in England, Germany, Greece, Mexico, and Peru. The experiences were fruitful for both students and professors, in spite of challenges presented by the pandemic. “Study away is one of the big reasons why I chose PLU,” says Anna Van Vleet, theater major. She visited Greece this J-term as a part of professor Antonios Finitsis’ Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean course. She chose to visit Greece because of its rich theater history. “Before I left, there were a lot of things I was worried about

  • . Boeing has shaped the course of human history through aerospace innovations. Today, because of our amazing people and powerful technologies, our products connect the globe, protect freedom, and advance scientific discovery around the world. From the depths of the ocean, to Mars and beyond, we’re inspiring the next century of explorers – we invite you to join us on the journey ahead! Join us as we build the future in Engineering! Opportunities are available in but not limited to: aerospace/flight

  • questions. Work of this nature also allows students to test the waters and see if this is what they want to do, allowing them to seek and find their vocation.This story originally appeared on the Marketing and Communications news page Read Previous Debate student discusses local issues on KBTC’s Northwest Now Read Next Textiles show Scandinavian history and culture in University Gallery exhibition LATEST POSTS Meet Professor Junichi Tsuneoka August 20, 2024 Pacific Lutheran University Communication

  • captivation of the whim in classic fairytales. She knew little of Rachel Carson before encountering the play, but found her story compelling, universal, and an invaluable piece of history. The play follows Rachel Carson during the research and writing of her book Silent Spring, which is credited with launching America’s environmental movement. As she struggles to complete her book, she fights her progressing cancer and factions of American enterprise that launch a crusade against her reputation. Carson’s