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  • education) to improve knowledge in the areas of health, healthcare,  dental care, or biomedical investigation. The award is $25 and a certificate. RecipientSchoolProjectGrade Nirbhuy ArunChildren's Garden Montessori Scooty Bubble Blower- A Device to Calm Down Autistic Kids 1 Eliana MorganChambersEcholocation and Noise2 Suhaas MekaCentennialGiga Hurtz!3 Smriti SureshCentennialRethink Sugary Drinks3 Sriya EmaniCentennialGreasy Potato Chips3 Julia Elkins TeamPioneerRobotic Hand6 Zoey Baze

  • Welcome to the PLU Interactive Equivalency Guide. With this tool you can explore how classes from other colleges and universities transfer to PLU. Whether you’re thinking about applying to PLU or you’re a current student, this guide can help you plan for meeting General Education elements and specific major or minor requirements. We’re frequently adding new schools and classes, so be sure to check back if what you’re looking for is not here. It doesn’t mean a particular class can’t be

  • closer look at the contemporary effects of colonialism in Puerto Rico and how the United States has continued to perpetuate those effects, specifically in the areas of language, culture, education, migration, economics, and politics. Through an anthropological, economic, and linguistic lens, it is clear that after a century of U.S. colonial rule Puerto Rico has become a nation that obsesses over monolingualism, rejects the United States and English, has unequal educational opportunities, demonstrates

  • PLU: Opening Keynote REQUIRED: Learn what it means to join the Lute Community: Diversity, Justice, & Sustainability (DJS), Vocation, and Lutheran Higher Education.1:00 PM-2:15PMOlson Gym Required (All) LUTE Group Time, First PLUS 100 Class Session & New Student Group Picture REQUIRED: Meet your LUTE Guide & Group During this time, Family & Supporters are encouraged to attend Navigating the Transition or ¡Bienvenidas, Bienvenidos, Bienvenides!2:15PM-4:30PM Meet your LUTE Guide on Foss Field

  • ) Required (Transfer Students)Lunch with Deans & Department Heads REQUIRED for new Transfer Students only Lunch is provided! 12:00PM-12:45PMAUC Regency Room, 203 Required (All)WELCOME TO PLU: REQUIRED: At this opening session for New Student Orientation, learn what it means to join the Lute Community: Diversity, Justice, & Sustainability (DJS), Vocation, and Lutheran Higher Education. 1:00 PM-2:15PMOlson Gym Required (All) LUTE Group Time & New Student Group Picture REQUIRED: Meet your LUTE Guide

  • , you may need to restart your computer, modem, or router. It may also be worth asking the other users on your shared connection to lower the amount of data they are accessing. Restart Router & Modem – Sometimes the internet connection must be restarted to work. This article explains the process from start to finish. AprilENGAGE IN SOCIAL LEARNING FlipGrid is an easy-to-use video discussion platform for all levels of education. With FlipGrid, students can connect with each other and share their

  • return to the park (“Swan Creek Salmon Challenge 2022”). The salmon are also of extreme religious and cultural importance to the Native American Tribes that have lived on this watershed for countless generations. This importance is highlighted in the First Salmon Ceremony, where someone is honored with the task of catching the first salmon of the season that is shared by all before the bones are returned to the river (“First-salmon ceremony”). There are many salmon education and rearing programs that

  • Education Week and at many synagogues. She is dedicated to educating the general public and has given lectures at historical societies, local high schools and junior highs, and at professional days for public school teachers. In addition to her public speaking, Dr. Griech-Polelle is an editor of the online journal, Contemporary Church History Quarterly and she is currently serving as guest editor of the Journal of Jesuit Studies special edition on Jesuits and communism.Lottie DurenPresentation Title

  • allow the scaffold to be lowered to the level below without the rope end passing through the hoist; or Has the rope end configured, or uses other means, to prevent it from passing through the hoist. WAC 296-874-30016: Wire rope must be in good condition.Make sure a competent person inspects each rope for defects: Before each work shift; and After anything happens that could affect the rope’s integrity. Replace a rope if it has any of the following: Physical damage which impairs the function and