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  • European, Mughal, Ottoman, and Russian; the development of the world economic system, especially comparing the West with China and Japan; and cultural globalization in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. (4) HIST 107 : Ancient Near East - IT, GE Surveys the history of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean regions, including ancient Sumer, Egypt, Israel, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Major themes include empire building, religion, law, art, and literature. Students learn to investigate historical

  • concentration of DNA with acceptable purity but failed to produce true amplification in the qRT-PCR assay until after being ‘cleaned’ with Bioline Sureclean ® DNA Purification kit. Based on the literature, it is probable an inhibitory contaminate originating either with the anticoagulant used at harvest or other innate whole blood polysaccharides caused inhibition of the enzymes used in qRT-PCR amplification. This suggests special attention also needs to be focused on pre-assay protocols to identify

  • foreign languages—particularly the “soft” ones such as Spanish and French—while men gravitate to the “hard” languages (German, Russian) and other academic subjects such as science and math. In the larger university setting, most foreign language departments have traditionally been split between (mostly male) tenured and tenure-track faculty members engaged in original research in literature or literary theory, and (mostly female) non-tenured lecturers and teaching assistants responsible for the

  • types distributed throughout the British Empire, including British North America where they were used to print the Declaration of Independence. Some of the collection’s oldest type was cast in unusual sizes, pre-dating the industry’s effort to standardize toward the end of the 19th century. Notable wood typefaces include Art Gothic, which debuted in 1887 with mixed reviews, and Mikado, some of which is celluloid and especially rare since the enameled pieces were only manufactured for roughly 15

  • atmosphere PLU offers both new and returning students. Coming back to campus feels like coming home because I have friends and friendly faces that make me feel like a part of the community. Solveig RoervikEnglish Literature, 2018 Among the reasons why I chose PLU, the nature in Washington is close to the top, as is the helpful and responsive team I was in contact with during my application period. What I’ve enjoyed most here at PLU is how small and intimate the campus community is. There is always a

  • , joy and boredom), with a goal of asking how existentialism engages these ideas relative to the question of human meaning. As an introductory course we will survey specifically the major thinkers of this tradition and illustrate how existentialism connects to other areas such as religion, psychology and literature. (4) PHIL 248 : Innovation, Ethics, & Society - ES A history of innovation, problem solving, and creativity in the global economy, emphasizing the ethical considerations that arise as a

  • , overseeing the graduate wind conducting program, teaching courses in wind band literature and wind conducting, she oversees all aspects of the concert band programs at Penn State. Her appointment at PSU follows three years as Assistant Director of Bands and Associate Director of Athletic Bands at the University of South Carolina. Prior to her tenure at UofSC, Mitchell-Spradlin taught at Valdosta State University as Director of Athletic Bands and was Director of Bands at Chamblee High School in Chamblee

  • May 18, 2009 Commencement 2009 This year more than 650 students will make up the graduating Class of 2009 at PLU on May 24 at the Tacoma Dome. Here in their own words are a few insights from graduating students about their time at PLU and the next chapter in their lives. Go HERE to see a complete schedule of Commencement events and activities. Allison Cambronne – Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language and Literature & Global Studies (Development and Social Justice Concentration) with a Business

  • .” “Howard Thurman wrote, ‘Don’t ask what the world needs; ask what makes you come alive and do it, because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.’ I came alive when I saw what I thought I’d never see in Egypt: people on the street coming together as a collective to demand a just and dignified life.” Professors and students alike left the auditorium moved and thankful for the filmmaker’s visit. “She was so personable and inspiring,” said English Literature major Allison Groseclose. “She

  • stakeholders. Purposes, advantages, and limitations of standardized and other assessment tools are explored. (2) EDUC 429 : Diversity Responsive Children's Literature Explores diversity responsive children's literature and why these texts are imperative for all readers. Emphasizing identifying, selecting, and evaluating high-quality, diversity responsive books across genres and formats (e.g. novels in verse, graphic novels, print/digital) as well as strategies for advocacy and use in K-6 classrooms. (2