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  • know our students or have close relationships with them,” Ceynar said, “it’s just this kind of assumption that we are going to be nicer, or softer, or grade less harshly.” The results came as a sort of relief for Ceynar, who has been teaching for more than 20 years, 17 of them at PLU. “We are not just imagining things,” she said. “This is an experience that women are having all over the place.” Ceynar and her colleagues also surveyed students about their behavior related to academic entitlement

  • of Illinois at Chicago Moderated by: David Simpson, Associate Professor and Chair, Social Work Location: Zoom Strategies for healing among traumatized youth struggling with substance use problems: An integrated treatment approach Youth with co-occurring traumatic stress and substance use problems struggle with high levels of emotional distress, ongoing challenges at home, school and with relationships, and they often require a higher level of care.  This workshop will help participants understand

  • , and victim advocacy organizations, among other agencies. Sociology students participate in internships at local schools, shelters, and social service agencies, many of which have a social justice focus. The Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice has ongoing relationships with numerous internship providers, but we also encourage students to consult the Opportunities Board or the Director of Career & Experiential Learning at Alumni & Student Connections to discuss potential internship sites

  • ” because he feels he has to be “extra animated” compared to in the classroom. He has found it to be harder to carry the energy in the class while being online. One of PLU’s biggest selling points is the small class size, so students can interact with professors more easily and more personally. Rings explains how it is different building relationships with students and among students online: “I use the breakout rooms a lot in Zoom so people are in smaller groups and I occasionally chime in and visit

  • . They also created the most comprehensive recruitment plan in the Division of Humanities, building relationships with local high schools and attracting some of our most academically impressive students.Third, our Classics program is a resounding success at producing educated students who do good work in the world. Graduates have gone on to become Professors in the field, filmmakers, clergy, financial analysts, lawyers, politicians, video game designers, Peace Corps volunteers, and dozens of other

  • into account the sacrality of the earth, isn’t simultaneously addressing some of the social ills that we face,” Dr. O’Brien says. “Maybe those issues around race or gender need to be articulated a little bit more clearly so people can see the relationships between us moving this direction, toward a greater ecological awareness, and how that might be all encompassing of social justice issues.” Professor O’Brien hopes her project will facilitate these conversations within Dark Green Religion. “I

  • we don’t like getting to know our students or have close relationships with them,” Ceynar said, “it’s just this kind of assumption that we are going to be nicer, or softer, or grade less harshly.” The results came as a sort of relief for Ceynar, who has been teaching for more than 20 years, 17 of them at PLU. “We are not just imagining things,” she said. “This is an experience that women are having all over the place.” Ceynar and her colleagues also surveyed students about their behavior related

  • with CHEM 333 recommended. (4) BIOL 352 : Comparative Anatomy An evolutionary approach to the study of structural and functional relationships in the vertebrate body. Includes examination and dissection of major organs and organ systems using preserved animal organs and cadavers (including humans). The course emphasizes the analysis of similarities and differences across groups to assess the significance of adaptations and explore the historical and present diversity of vertebrate morphology

  • . Additionally, this course will introduce students to the PLU Ed.D. program and build relationships among cohort members and faculty. (3) EDUC 701 : Educational Research I This course provides foundational concepts in educational research including various methodologies. The course will address criteria for evaluating and using educational research in their own practice. Students will develop skills in understanding and evaluating research claims. Course concepts include descriptive and inferential

  • time here at PLU is that I am leaving with lifelong friends.” Bridgewater’s advice for her fellow Lutes who have yet to order caps and gowns: make the most of the time you have left. “While we are here to learn, it is also important to build relationships and experiences,” she said. Below is a collection of experiences built by other Lutes who say goodbye to PLU this week.Tori Sullivan, sociology Tori Sullivan '18 (Photo by Oliver Johnson '18/PLU) By Helen Smith ’19 Tori Sullivan first found her