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  • The Department of Chemistry at Louisiana State University is looking for excellent students for our graduate program. Our faculty perform research in diverse areas from organic chemistry to structural biology to materials science, energy-related research, and environmental chemistry. Kevin Smith’s group continues its longstanding work…

    development of the Group of Uniform Materials Based on Organic Salts (GUMBOS) with broad applications in nanotechnology and medicine. Rendy Kartika applies novel organic reactions to the synthesis of complex molecules of biological and pharmaceutical importance, Graça Vicente uses BODIPY dyes for biophysical and bioanalytical applications and the development of new agents for the photodynamic treatment of cancer, and Mario Rivera is engaged in areas as diverse as iron homeostasis in pathogenic bacteria

  • By Dana Shreaves, Instructional Designer Considering how to assess students at a distance may seem daunting. Many faculty have always relied on specific assessment practices and believe in-person assessment is the best way to assess student learning. However, the principles underlying good assessment practices are…

    best it provides a false sense of security. One way to discourage cheating is to design assessments that are unique and authentic, requiring higher order thinking skills like synthesis, analysis, or the creation of original content. For written work, Turnitin’s Originality Check (via Sakai Assignments) is a popular tool to discourage plagiarism and cheating. An option for multiple choice assessments is to use “question pools” where assessment questions are drawn randomly from a large pool of

  • Product Website: Cost:  Free for educators and students.

    great way to foster deep learning in students students is via  collaborative work that employs the knowledge they are acquiring throughout the course and requires them to seek out new knowledge and engage in synthesis of that material. A colleague of mine in the department (Jacob Egge) had used team dissection projects of different vertebrates in comparative anatomy in the past and I thought that idea fit the bill perfectly. All I needed to do was find a way to check in on student progress

  • Professor Emeritus of Mathematics | Department of Mathematics | | Current position Pacific Lutheran University 1981 – 1998. Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1998 – present. Chair, Department of Mathematics, 1992 – 1994. Publications Commentary on ‘Misunderstandings about Q and ‘Cochran’s Q test’ in meta-analysis’, Statistics in Medicine, 2015, 35(4):501-502 · February 20, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/sim.6758 (with E.

    null hypothesis; with application to the meta-analysis of risk difference, Research Synthesis Methods, 2011, 2(4), 254-270, Article first published online: 4 MAR 2012 | DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.54 (with E. Kulinskaya and K. Bjørkestøl). Testing for Homogeneity in Meta-Analysis I. The One Parameter Case: Standardized Mean Difference, Biometrics, 67, 203–212, DOI: 1111/j.1541-0420.2010.01442 (with E. Kulinskaya and K. Bjørkestøl). Robust weighted one-way ANOVA: Improved approximation and efficiency, Journal

  • CIWA launched the Chinese Literacy Project in Spring of 2016 in Seattle’s Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Programs at Beacon Hill International School, Dearborn Park International School, and

    (CELIN) has published a series of briefs on Chinese Language Learning and Teaching some of which relate specifically to literacy development in Chinese. The CELIN Briefs provide a synthesis of research, experience, and strategies in a specific topic area, with available references and resources. The authors of the briefs are scholars and experienced educators who are recognized experts in the field of Chinese language education. The CELIN Briefs are available in both English and Chinese. A flyer with

  • Employees must utilize machinery, tools, materials, or equipment, whether owned by the employee or the University, in accordance with the safety or health requirements of this program or any

    electrical work. Metallic tapes or metallic rules must not be used near electrical 2.3 Tool Storage Tools temporarily stored or laid aside on the job must be placed so as not to create a stumbling or falling hazard. They may not be left on ladders or in traffic areas. Tools with sharp edges must be covered or stored in such a way as to guard against a cutting hazard. Particular care must be used when working in an elevated position. Tools must not be left unsecured, but should be kept in containers

  • The review time is typically shorter than other categories of review (~6-8 days).

    the nature or scope of the project.What research qualifies as exempt?Research may be determined to be exempt from further HPRB review/oversight if it: has been approved by an off-campus IRB. measures the efficacy of educational practices in an educational setting. involves analysis, synthesis, or study of existing data or documents when these are publicly available or when the information is recorded in such a way that individuals are anonymous. involves the use of surveys, interviews, educational

  • Emily Struck ’23 made the most of her chemistry major at PLU, conducting individualized research with professors and tutoring other students on campus. As she takes her next step in the fall pursuing a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Purdue University, Struck reflects on her…

    materials that could transport charge and ions to be used on biosensors and be more easily integrated into biological systems, unlike other semiconductors or batteries. Did you appreciate the research experience? Working on my own project in the first lab forced me to learn to take accountability and engage with chemistry on my own. Last year, however, Dr. Waldow was very involved, but I was doing my own thing and diving past polymers into synthesis, which was super fun and challenging. To me, research

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 4, 2016)- For the first time in the event’s five-year history, TEDxTacoma will be hosted at Pacific Lutheran University on April 22. For the event’s host, Adam Utley, the new location signifies a homecoming of sorts, as the the improv performer and…

    improv is what it does for the human brain.  There’s exciting new research about what’s called the Default Mode Network (DMN): it’s the home of creativity, and flow, innovation and breakthrough insight. Improv strengthens the DMN. It activates empathy, self-value, and the synthesis of ideas. Improvisational relationships — where each relationship participant is equal and unique — are healthy, productive, synergistic relationships. And so, businesses thrive when the minds that make them up are improv

  • Emily Struck ’23 made the most of her chemistry major at PLU, conducting individualized research with professors and tutoring other students on campus. As she takes her next step in the fall pursuing a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Purdue University, Struck reflects on her…

    that could transport charge and ions to be used on biosensors and be more easily integrated into biological systems, unlike other semiconductors or batteries. Did you appreciate the research experience? Working on my own project in the first lab forced me to learn to take accountability and engage with chemistry on my own. Last year, however, Dr. Waldow was very involved, but I was doing my own thing and diving past polymers into synthesis, which was super fun and challenging. To me, research is