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  • The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation expects to award sixteen scholarships in 2024 based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest. Three individual scholarships are reserved for a community college student, an undergraduate student, and an early graduate student, respectively. Two scholarships have…

    Renewable Energy Scholarship Posted by: nicolacs / January 4, 2024 January 4, 2024 The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation expects to award sixteen scholarships in 2024 based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest. Three individual scholarships are reserved for a community college student, an undergraduate student, and an early graduate student, respectively. Two scholarships have a preference for Native American or Alaskan Native students and are not

  • General Use Policy Pacific Lutheran University students, faculty, and staff are responsible for legal and ethical use of computers and the network. Activities considered to be in conflict with this policy include, but are not limited to, the following: Spreading viruses or causing disruptions on the network. Unauthorized access to restricted or personal computers, data,...

    General Use Policy Pacific Lutheran University students, faculty, and staff are responsible for legal and ethical use of computers and the network. Activities considered to be in conflict with this policy include, but are not limited to, the following: Spreading viruses or causing disruptions on the network. Unauthorized access to restricted or personal computers, data, or programs or knowing use of restricted computers, data or programs accessed or acquired by someone else… Sharing a password

  • Grievance Policy and Procedures Adopted September 1997 Updated September 2001, April 2002, August 2005, November 2010, July 2014, and December 2021 I.

    Grievance Policy and Procedures Grievance Policy and Procedures Adopted September 1997 Updated September 2001, April 2002, August 2005, November 2010, July 2014, and December 2021 I. INTRODUCTION Pacific Lutheran University is committed to the internal resolution of disputes arising within the university community. To that end, the President has appointed a University Dispute Resolution Committee that includes representatives from the faculty, student life, human resources and academic

  • (UDRC) is charged with reducing conflicts and helping members of the community resolve disputes appropriately, expediently and fairly. The committee does so by educating the community about campus policies and dispute resolution options; coordinating dispute resolution services; investigating grievances when appropriate and advocating for review of university policies and procedures when necessary. It is the intent that the University Dispute Resolution Committee be a resource for all members of the

  • CIE, May 13, 2015 Approved by SNO May 27, 2015; Update Aug 2017

    this date. See Resource/Textbook Change Form (see link below) and also available on the SoN Faculty Sakai site.CIE, May 13, 2015 Approved by SNO May 27, 2015; Update Aug 2017Textbook Order Form

  • The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is now soliciting applications for the scholarships to be given in 2022. This year we expect to give at least seven $2000 scholarships, more if fundraising permits. All aspects of renewable energy, including social sciences and humanities as well as…

    Renewable Energy Scholarship Posted by: nicolacs / October 4, 2021 October 4, 2021 The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is now soliciting applications for the scholarships to be given in 2022. This year we expect to give at least seven $2000 scholarships, more if fundraising permits. All aspects of renewable energy, including social sciences and humanities as well as sustainability and grid issues, are fair game. The deadline for applications is Feb 15, 2022, and details can be found on

  • PLU 2020 challenges the University to explore new instructional strategies and support the use of technology in the academic environment.

    Faculty support for teaching online at PLU Online learning opportunities at PLU extend the university’s mission beyond campus borders, providing high-quality options that meet a variety of student needs while fostering strong student-faculty relationships and learning communities. Lenny Reisberg, Professor of Education“Teaching online has enabled place bound, nontraditional and working students to fully participate and successfully complete my courses.  It allows students the opportunity to

  • This list is intended to be an overview of our class offerings, so that you can get an idea of what to expect when enrolling in Economics at PLU.

    environmental degradation, methods of non-market valuation of environmental amenities, and valuation of a statistical life. Attention will be given to both domestic and global examples. Prerequisites: ECON 101 or consent of instructor. (4) ECON 331 : International Trade and Commercial Policy Theories of trade based on labor productivity, factor endowments, and scale economies. Welfare analysis of commercial policy instruments. Political economy of interest groups and trade policy. Critical analysis of

  • Are you interested in learning with and from your colleagues about pedagogy? Do you wish to get inspired by the awesome things happening in other people's classrooms? Do you want non-evaluative

    Teaching SquaresAre you interested in learning with and from your colleagues about pedagogy? Do you wish to get inspired by the awesome things happening in other people’s classrooms? Do you want non-evaluative feedback about your teaching from your peers? If so, you might be interested in joining a Teaching Square!What is a teaching square?Teaching Squares are an opportunity for faculty to gain insight into their own teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation

  • Where’s the “energy“ in my energy drink? What’s in energy drinks anyway? How do energy drinks affect the human body? How safe are energy drinks to consume? Find out Wednesday, February 8th @ 7:00 PM in the Leraas Auditorium (Rieke 103) Presented by: Erica Fickeisen (Dining…

    Where’s the “energy” in my energy drink? Posted by: alemanem / January 26, 2017 January 26, 2017 Where's the ``energy`` in my energy drink? What’s in energy drinks anyway? How do energy drinks affect the human body? How safe are energy drinks to consume? Find out Wednesday, February 8th @ 7:00 PM in the Leraas Auditorium (Rieke 103) Presented by: Erica Fickeisen (Dining Services) & Dr. Justin Lytle (Chemistry Department) Read Previous Paid Summer Internship with King County Read Next Summer