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  • contemporary world is one of business, busy-ness; but contemplation requires leisure, about which the Greek word for leisure σχολή, reminds us in our cognates school, scholar, scholastic, etc.Some years ago, John Ciardi offered a regular program on NPR called “A Word in Your Ear.” This was a program about fascinating word etymologies, such as the Greek roots of “scholar.” Ciardi also wrote memorable poetry, mining the ancient power of words to show that some things human never change. For instance, these

  • Humanities.Now Facebook, Twitter, and Email multiply quotidian word-counts. Words without measure—information, disinformation, misinformation—all calling for thoughtful reflection. Our contemporary world is one of business, busy-ness; but contemplation requires leisure, about which the Greek word for leisure σχολή, reminds us in our cognates school, scholar, scholastic, etc. Some years ago, John Ciardi offered a regular program on NPR called “A Word in Your Ear.” This was a program about fascinating word

  • More than a century after PLU was founded by Norwegian immigrants, the university maintains its connection to the founders’ homeland through study away programs.

    resembles PLU. “Although, PLU is much bigger,” he quipped. The college in the heart of Oslo has an enrollment of about 1,400; the program itself is even smaller, with about 150. Part of Bjørknes’ allure is its location. Its campus is surrounded by humanitarian organizations from many walks of life, which have helped Oslo earn a reputation as a primary actor on the world stage. “Oslo is a hub for studying what we do,” Dale-Åkerlund said. “We really try to tap into that environment.” That means the

  • it seems, especially at this time, that we need profound text, music and artistry to help—in whatever small way—heal a broken world,” Galante says. “This title binds the music in our concert into that one theme.” As an example, the ensemble will perform a set of pieces that represent beauty overcoming hatred. John Muehleisen’s When All is Done was written in response to the murder of Matthew Sheppard, and describes our resolve to “go on,” to reject the notion that hate and violence win. Ēriks

  • ResoLute: Spring 2018 – First in the Family Search Features Features Welcome What it Means to be First Faculty Proudly Wear First-Gen Experience Heritage Speakers Embrace Firsts Together Veteran. First-gen. Trans. Academic. First in the Family Community How First-Gens Thrive Pave the Way On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni News The Prologue The PLU Connection Homecoming 2018 Bjug Day Inside Amazon Alumni Travel Seminar Class Notes Class

  • Frank Hewins, who leads Franklin Pierce Schools, was named Superintendent of the Year by the Washington Association of School Administrators.

    Frank Hewins ’86 Frank Hewins ’86 1024 427 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 January 10, 2018 February 6, 2018 A Pacific Lutheran University alumnus and a strong partner in the extended Lute family recently earned an exceptional honor from the Washington Association of School Administrators

  • Stephen Kitajo serves on the board for the Puyallup Valley Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League.

    Stephen Kitajo ’12 Stephen Kitajo ’12 1024 427 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 January 11, 2018 February 6, 2018 The names of 7,500 Japanese Americans will soon be displayed at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup, just 9 miles from Pacific Lutheran University. The banners bearing the names

  • . “Wait, I think I hear it over there,” said Smith, stopping a conversation about the how wrens seem to be drowning out all the other calls in this forest – and directing her microphone, with a parabolic reflector attached, at the call. Both listen intently, mics at the ready. After about a minute, the pair, satisfied they have captured a good sound track, turn off  their recorders and start up the conversation again. “I know I should probably study something else,” said Smith.”But I just love these

  • September 3, 2009 New Chemistry department instrument will help students and profs probe world of the atom It looks like a rather fat, squat water heater. But to the students and professors gathered around it – or, more accurately, the computer that transmits readouts from it, the machine is pure magic. It is called a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, or NMR. Today, the students from Professor Neal Yakelis’ organic chemistry lab are trying to figure out the structure of an unknown

  • dinner —————————————————————————————————————— If you’re a guest on campus, you may walk into The Commons during Breakfast & Lunch and order your meal. Click for Current Hours of OperationsQuick Links Commons Nutrition Commons Lunch Menu Commons Dinner MenuAccepted Payment Methods:Dining Dollars, LuteBucks, All Major Credit CardsCrave Grill Burgers, fries, chicken strips, etc. for both lunch and dinner. Each meal will feature a special, unique burgers at lunch and a variety of healthy fish and protein