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Best Foot Forward By Kari Plog ’11 When first-year students came to campus for orientation weekend this past September, organizers made sure that, on that first Saturday, those students were promptly sent off campus. About a dozen first-year students rolled up their sleeves and got…
major in biology, said he chose the trip at the last minute, but enjoyed the experience with the new friends he made. “We all met today and we are working toward one common goal,” Cano said. That goal might be called “community.” And that is something that first-year student Johanna Muller, who comes from Denair, Calif., definitely stands behind. “I live on a farm in California and I love volunteering and helping other people,” Muller said. “This seemed like a good fit to start off the year.” Read
TACOMA, Wash. (March 19, 2015)—Author, professor and cultural geographer Dr. Carolyn Finney is the keynote speaker for the 2015 Earth Day Lecture at Pacific Lutheran University on April 21. Finney’s lecture, “ This Patch of Soil: Race, Nature and Stories of Future Belonging ,” is…
Day Lecture is sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Anthropology Department, Associated Students of PLU, Biology Department, Center for Community Engagement & Service, Diversity Center, Economics Department, Environmental Studies Program, Global Studies Program, History Department, Philosophy Department, Residence Hall Association, Women’s Center and Women’s and Gender Studies Program.Earth Day Lecture 2015 What: Dr. Carolyn Finney presents the 2015 Earth Day Lecture, This Patch of Soil: Race
Fiona Ashton-Knochel ’24 is spending her summer on a bird refuge in Brigham City, Utah. The Environmental Studies major sat down with us to discuss her exciting internship and to offer suggestions for anyone looking to land their own internship working in conservation. Why did…
sometimes change. When graduation comes I may be inclined to work for a year or two before going back to school. Thanks to this internship, I’m flirting with the idea of working as a U.S. Fish and Wildlife member during that time. Read Previous City of Tacoma environmental scientist Tom Chontofalsky ‘03 loves asking questions Read Next PLU biology professor Amy Siegesmund receives national teaching award LATEST POSTS Tech on the Slopes: PLU computer science students create a scheduling app for White
Each year, around 10,000 teams participate in The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling , an international contest where teams of undergrad students have 99 hours straight to create a mathematical model addressing a complex social or scientific issue. Each year, the top awards go to large…
covers the modeling process and techniques, then asks students what they’re interested in. “It’s an ocean of knowledge,” she said. “You can pretty much model anything.” In her own research, Zhu uses math to understand underlying mechanisms in developmental biology, such as pattern formations in butterflies, the kind of unexpected application that opens students’ minds to possible connections—not only between math, physics and computer science, but also the life sciences and humanities, connections
Lute Roots Run Deep By Barbara Clements Whenever admissions counselors were preparing to visit Brett Monson while he was in high school, they’d look at his application and then, inevitably, do a double take. Lute roots run deep for the Olsen clan. The five lines…
to see Frosty Westering, so I remember watching many of the games from the sidelines. They were so awesome. And to be actually playing football for the university now is amazing.” A biology major with hopes of becoming an orthopedic surgeon, Brett, 20, said he doesn’t run into his cousins much, unless it’s a chance meeting in the UC while grabbing lunch, as happened last fall during this interview, when Aaron and Kari bumped into him. “If anything, I’d like to see more of them,” he said. Linnea
TACOMA, Wash. (March 5, 2015)— On Saturday, March 21, a diverse and distinguished group of speakers will present “ideas worth spreading” at the fourth annual installation of TEDx Tacoma. Among that group will be three Pacific Lutheran University faculty members representing a variety of PLU’s…
people’s stories. The idea that there isn’t one story, (instead) that there are many stories. She uses the example of Americans coming to Nigeria, where she’s from, and asking if they have things like cell phones. So she’s talking about how everyone calls things “first-world problems,” and she wants to challenge the conception of what it means to be first, or third, or second world. The other one is by Neuroanatomist and Professor Jill Bolte Taylor, who realized she was having a stroke while in the
March 3, 2025 is the application deadline to be a CS-STEM Scholar (will be a senior PLU undergraduate in academic year 2025-2026) or a CS-STEM Teacher Candidate (starting the PLU Masters in Education
areas of interest are supported?Answer: STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Although STEM includes a variety of disciplines, the STEM majors offered at PLU that qualify for the Noyce Program are: Biology Chemistry Computer Science Earth Science Mathematics Mathematics Education Physics 5. When and how do I apply?Answer: There are separate applications for CS-STEM Scholars and CS-STEM Teacher Candidates. Application Steps for CS-STEM Teacher Candidates: Apply to the PLU
Written works preserve our history, describe our current reality and color our future beyond imagination.
Publishing and Printing Arts program is an especially valuable complement to majors concerned with language and the written word, majors such as English, other languages, education, public relations, journalism, marketing and graphic design. Students majoring in a wide spectrum of disciplines—from biology to music to religion—have also discovered the value of a PPA minor. It helps to connect them to publishing career opportunities in their field, and provides a richer understanding of the complex roles
Do you keep getting the question, “What’s your major going to be in college?” which is essentially a different version of “What are you going to be when you grow up?” Or maybe it’s this question: “What do you do with that major?” Perhaps you…
, Political Science, Pre-law, Publishing & Printing Arts, Religion, or Sociology, this program supports your academic and professional aspirations. The College of Natural Science mentoring program connects Natural Sciences students with accomplished alumni mentors in fields like biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, mathematics, engineering, environmental studies, and physics, providing tailored guidance and access to valuable networks. The Lutes of Color mentoring program offers students
Like many students, Heven Ambachew ’24 wasn’t yet sure of her major when embarking on her PLU journey. Four years later, thanks to PLU’s individualized major pathway, she is the university’s first graduate with a major in innovation studies . Innovation Studies at PLU Courses…
sister, who graduated in 2022 with a degree in biology. At first, Ambachew thought she’d go into computer programming and user experience design by majoring in computer science. In her first year at PLU, a Microsoft internship taught her about software engineering and product management. Ambachew dove into the field, working part-time during the school year and full-time one summer with Geeking Out Kids of Color (GOKiC). GOKiC is a Seattle-area after-school and summer program offering multicultural
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