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For either the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, the student must take our introductory core sequence (BIOL 225 and 226) and a semester of genetics (BIOL 330).
organization (cell, organism, population)—in sequence of scale from small to large. Important questions in biology span the range of these levels of organization. Emphasis is on understanding biological relationships within and between plants and animals. The major requirements also stress the balance of importance of both plant and animal life, including use of selected plants and animals as model organisms. The curriculum offers opportunity for students to discover similarities and differences of
The curriculum prepares students to pursue careers in research and the health sciences or to apply their biology interests to careers as diverse as science education and public health.
Studying biology teaches you how to think and how to observe your world.To learn biology is more than just learning facts! It’s learning how to answer questions, how to develop strategies to obtain answers and how to recognize the answers as they emerge. The department is dedicated to encouraging students to learn science in both an intuitive and logical way.It encourages students to independently question, probe, experiment and experience the natural world around us as well as life under a
News articles and blog posts from Pacific Lutheran University.
PLU professors Ann Auman and Bridget Yaden share teaching and learning experiences in China Two PLU professors were recently invited to teach a summer intensive course at Sichuan University, a 70,000-student public university in Chengdu, China. PLU and Sichuan have a decades-long relationship that dates back to the 1980s. PLU faculty visits took place in 2023, and in summer… November 4, 2024 Biology
Biology | Academic Programs | PLU 1: Skip to content 2: Skip to navigation Accessibility Tools (CTRL+U) Text-to-Speech Large Cursor Zoom Level (x1) Reset Zoom Disable Animations Reset All Hide the tools After hiding the tool, if you would like to re-enable it, just press CTRL+U to open this window. Or, move your cursor near the tool to display it. Apply Visit Programs Give Athletics Request Info Menu Close Academics Close Menu Programs Majors & Minors Graduate Programs Continuing Education
Pacific Lutheran University Professor of Biology Amy Siegesmund received the American Society for Microbiology’s 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students. What I love about teaching microbiology is that I get to…
PLU Biology professor nationally recognized Posted by: vcraker / September 21, 2022 September 21, 2022 Pacific Lutheran University Professor of Biology Amy Siegesmund received the American Society for Microbiology’s 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students. What I love about teaching microbiology is that I get to share with students a discipline that I am passionate about and
News articles and blog posts from Pacific Lutheran University.
A field trip…for coffee? A PLU experience means more than just learning in the classroom. As part of an Economic Botany class (aka Biology 387), students visited Dillano’s, a local coffee roaster. One of the students on the field trip, Gracielle Osera, shares “The amount of precision, trial and… January 24, 2025 AcademicsBiologyPacific NorthwestSciences
The REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 provides an exciting ten-week research experience in basic cellular and molecular biology. Students will perform cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell proliferation and differentiation, organelle function, and development.…
REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 Posted by: alemanem / January 4, 2024 January 4, 2024 The REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 provides an exciting ten-week research experience in basic cellular and molecular biology. Students will perform cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell proliferation and differentiation, organelle function, and development. Students will also
The University of Pittsburgh’s Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio) REU program is a 10-week summer program that will provide a challenging and fulfilling graduate-level research experience to undergraduate students. Students will work on a cutting-edge research project under the theme of Multiscale Modeling,…
Systems-level Analyses for Biological Discovery in the emerging fields of computational and systems biology, such as computational structural biology, cell and systems modeling, computational genomics, computational drug discovery, and bioimage informatics. Additionally, TECBio students will participate in a weekly journal club, attend research and career seminars organized specifically for the program, take part in an ethics forum that will instruct them in the responsible conduct of research
The University of Pittsburgh’s Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio) REU program is a 10-week summer program that will provide a challenging and fulfilling graduate-level research experience to undergraduate students. Students will work on a cutting-edge research project under the theme of Multiscale Modeling,…
Systems-level Analyses for Biological Discovery in the emerging fields of computational and systems biology, such as computational structural biology, cell and systems modeling, computational genomics, computational drug discovery, and bioimage informatics. Additionally, TECBio students will participate in a weekly journal club, attend research and career seminars organized specifically for the program, take part in an ethics forum that will instruct them in the responsible conduct of research
Beautiful mutants: a PLU biology class harvests for the future About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with…
Biology class participates in research project Posted by: shortea / March 13, 2023 March 13, 2023 Beautiful mutants: a PLU biology class harvests for the futureBy Lora ShinnMarketing & Communications Guest Writer About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with random mutations. Student teams study plants in
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