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  • STEM Education Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesPLU students who complete the minor will: develop STEM content knowledge practice and develop their own teaching style and philosophy engage in critical reflection by considering issues from multiple perspectives cultivate respect for diverse cultures and ways of knowing, which will allow them to teach all students effectively using culturally sustaining pedagogy begin to recognize how culture, tradition, and training shapes our assumptions

  • Dr. Andrew Rootis the Carrie Olson Baalson Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary, USA. He writes and researches in areas of theology, ministry, culture and younger generations. His most recent books are The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need God (Baker, 2019), Faith Formation in a Secular Age (Baker, 2017), and Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies: Youth Ministry in the Age of Science (Fortress Press, 2018). Learn More

  • that continues to inform her approach to education — for herself and her students. But Oshiro didn’t always wear her status as first in the family like a badge of honor. Early in her undergraduate years at Pacific Lutheran University, she kept quiet about it, paralyzed with anxious thoughts nagging in the back of her mind: I don’t deserve to be here. That person is more qualified. Are they going to recognize that I’m here because of my achievements? “It was almost a shame thing. I didn’t want to

  • hormone [GH]. The treatments have been successful in many cases, adding to patients’ later height as adults. Until recently GH has been scarce, extracted from the pea-sized pituitary glands of cadavers. Now, however, Genentech, Inc. can manufacture it with recombinant DNA techniques, so there’s “plenty.” The treatments do cost $15,000 a year, of course, and usually they have to be administered for five years to make a difference, but GH is available.“We don’t know what to do,” the physician went on

  • themes. Lutes can choose from housing that uplifts gender empowerment and equity, creative expression, DJS (diversity, justice, sustainability), wellness, STEM, global engagement, and more. Cherish Scheidhauer, a PLU first-year student studying biomedical engineering, didn’t find out about RLCs until well into the admissions process when her admissions counselor mentioned STEM House. “It’s really cool how it brings people together based on their similar interest in STEM, but also it brings a lot of

  • Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)The Student Sustainability committee was formulated by a group of students dedicated to  providing a new system of student-run sustainability initiatives and priorities than what currently exists at Pacific Lutheran University. A student-led initiative has increased efficiency and innovation in the student sustainability priorities that currently exist at Pacific Lutheran University. The Student Sustainability is committed to gaining significant resources

  • STEM OPT ExtensionA 24-month STEM OPT extension is available to international students who earned a qualifying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degree as determined by the Department of Homeland Security. Students must be currently participating in regular post-completion OPT to be eligible to apply for a STEM OPT extension.Am I eligible? – all of the following criteria must be met: You are currently participating in regular post-completion OPT. You have a degree in an

  • September 11, 2009 Historical context Growing up Troy Storfjell held a certain admiration for the scholars he saw in the documentaries he watched. Now the PLU associate professor is one of those scholars. He’ll appear on the History Channel’s “Clash of the Gods” Series. (Storfjell’s episodes were previously scheduled for Sept. 14 and 21, but the episodes have been moved; keep visiting the PLU doorways for an update on when his episodes will air). “It was exciting to be that person,” Storfjell

  • December 7, 2009 LEED Gold for Neeb This fall the Martin J. Neeb Center received the distinction of being named Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certified. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, the Neeb Center is the only radio facility in the nation with a LEED Gold ranking. “We are proud that the building meets LEED Gold standards and affirms Pacific Lutheran University’s commitment to energy conservation,” said PLU President Loren J. Anderson. The Neeb Center

  • ,” she said. OTR trips are a part of new student orientation where students register for an off-campus visit somewhere in the Puget Sound region with a group of other new students and orientation guides. The trips are tailored to different areas of interest and are divided into four categories: service, art and culture, outdoor recreation and just-for-fun. Melanie Deane, student coordinator for OTR, said that choosing places to go is based on what has been popular with students in the past. “I think