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  • who is different from you. Someone of a different race, someone of a different religion, gender, even generation, just someone different from you, who you may even hold a bias toward, show an act of love to them …” as Alana said, “we want to change people’s hearts, and that’s how we intend on doing it, by getting the masses to participate in love.” Thanks to the help and sponsorship of PLU, Bethlehem Baptist Church, St Marks’s by the Narrows Lutheran Church, and a host of others, Tacoma became the

  • the liberal arts—A basic understanding of history, language, art, religion, culture, ethics, philosophy and science is a foundation for all more specialized knowledge, c.f., PLU’s ROTC program. Learning and research within community—Nobody pursues an education alone. We were meant to collaborate with each other. It’s built into our DNA. Even an online course assumes there’s someone on the other end helping to lead and guide us while we study in front of our laptop. The intrinsic value of the whole

  • very grateful to have teachers and ensembles that challenged me but also took seriously my commitment to other academic pursuits.”— Joe Natwick, Religion and Classics, Class of 2011.  Currently a Lutheran pastor in North Carolina.“PLU was all about going beyond just teaching students to regurgitate information and actually teaching them to think critically and creatively and question what they know.  I loved that I was able to take private lessons from a phenomenal professor and be involved in

  • Maurice Halbwachs, the identities of Jewish-American women and Hannah Arendt’s Jewish identity. In a recent published essay (2013) she discussed the linkages between family and religion expressed by children hidden in convents during the Holocaust. Her analysis of selected aspects of the Jewish resistance in Belgium has recently appeared in an anthology entitled Jewish Resistance against the Nazis edited by Patrick Henry and published by Catholic University Press in 2014.Robert P. EricksenTitle

  • included being able to hold a symposium that discussed politics, family and religion in the African-American community, hosting a viewing of the documentary Souls of Black Girls, both of which were attended by PLU students and the broader community. Shelondra Harris ’17: Last year, Black Student Union was awarded Social Justice Program of the Year! How did your PLU experience serve to prepare you for your life ahead? Cornelius Pope ’99: Attending PLU was one of the greatest experiences in my life! Life

  • and Cultural Study of Religion from the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, California, with a specialization in Chinese Religions. Foy博士于1988年获得Gonzaga大学的心理学学士学位。他的宗教研究硕士学位也 是从Gonzaga大学获得的,并于1992年完成。2003年,Foy博士在加利福尼亚州伯 克利的研究生神学联盟取得了宗教历史和文化的博士学位,专门研究中国宗教。 Dr. Foy has worked at National Donghua University in Hualien, Taiwan, Hebei Normal University in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, Shanghai Maritime University in Shanghai, and Beijing University of Technology in Beijing. Foy博士先后在台湾的国立东华大学、河北师范大学、上海海事大学和北

  • environmental education as a component. In my paper, I argue that an approach to environmental education connected to religion, specifically children’s’ summer camp programming at camps connected to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), is one type of environmental education likely to foster meaningful ecological awareness amongst participants, awareness that can be taken from the camp setting and applied to everyday life, leading to an increased passion for environmental work and advocacy. I

  • alcoholic beverage and, to some extent their alcohol cultures to the wider world.” The quote is saying that alcohol has many purposes to show status, power, culture, religion, community, and more. Yes, there are people who do drink but there are others who would follow the temperance movement. In the Women’s Christian Temperance Union view of temperance as “sober and pure world” by abstinence, purity, and evangelical Christianity. During 1998 to 2015, scholars have developed two groups about temperance

  • Journalism and New Media Morocco – Migration and Transnational Identity Morocco – Multiculturalism and Human Rights India – Public Health, Gender and Community Action India – Sustainable Development and Social Change Indonesia – Arts, Religion, and Social Change Mongolia – Nomadism, Geopolitics and the Environment Nepal – Development, Gender and Social Change Nepal – Tibetan and Himalayan Peoples Vietnam – Culture, Social Change, and Development Serbia – Serbia, Bosnia, and Kosovo: Peace and Conflict

  • sympathy to unnecessarily alter our friendship, or the jocular culture of our college house. Throughout two years living together, David and I spent countless hours discussing topics typical of college students: politics, religion, dating, etc. Our conversations were open, honest and even chippy at times. But it wasn’t until he was featured in the spring 2010 issue of PLU’s Scene magazine (now ResoLute) that I knew any details of his personal journey. Upon arranging to discuss David’s return to South