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  • DesignThe Marketing & Communications Design Group provides art direction and graphic design for all major university print publications and web presence. They establish the styling standards to ensure the quality and consistency of all print and online products for the university’s visual image and corporate identity. Customer service maintains job scheduling, billing, financial records and bookkeeping for the Design Group. Contact them for questions concerning charges on any of your job

  • Academic Integrity Alcoholic Beverages Behavior of Guests Building Security Computer and Network Use Concern for Self and Others Confiscation of Possessions Disruption of University Community Equal Educational Opportunity Equipment Misuse False Information Fire Safety Firearms, Explosives, or Weapons Freedom of Expression Gambling Guests On-Campus and at PLU Events  Hazing Identification Card Illegal Drugs Immunization Policy Neighbor Relations  Noise Non-Cooperation Pets on-Campus Physical

  • Jenny JohnsonJenny Johnson is the author of In Full Velvet, published by Sarabande Books in 2017. Her many honors include a 2015 Whiting Award and a 2016-17 Hodder Fellowship at Princeton University. She has also received awards and scholarships from the Blue Mountain Center, Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference, and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She received her MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. Her poems have appeared in The Best American Poetry 2012, New England

  • Symposiumnoun : a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject From the Greek symp-po-sium : a drinking party or convivial discussion, especially as held in ancient Greece after a banquet Previous symposia have been Healing: Pathways for Restoration and Renewal, Disarming Polarization: Navigating Conflict and Difference, Migration: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Mobility, The Countenance of Hope: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural

  • Jordan Levy: Anthropology and a Just Society When Jordan Levy first visited Honduras in high school, he had no idea that someday, he’d be serving as an expert witness on Honduras in the U.S. court system. He first visited the Central American nation to perform volunteer work, and then returned annually throughout… November 18, 2019

  • Jordan Levy: Anthropology and a Just Society When Jordan Levy first visited Honduras in high school, he had no idea that someday, he’d be serving as an expert witness on Honduras in the U.S. court system. He first visited the Central American nation to perform volunteer work, and then returned annually throughout… November 18, 2019

  • Step 3This is a critical component of the application. Informed consent is necessary for all research studies (even exempt research). The goal of informed consent is to make sure research participants are treated with dignity and respect and they understand: what they will be asked to do any risks and/or benefits involved they can choose not to answer any questions they always have the right to decline or withdraw from any study without consequence how their data will be used and protected

  • in roofing on low-pitched (slope equal to or less than 4 in 12) roofs less than 50 feet wide, may elect to use a safety monitor system without warning lines. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 Competent Person A “competent person” is an individual knowledgeable of fall protection equipment, including the manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions for the proper use, inspection, and maintenance; and who is capable of identifying the existing and potential fall hazards; and who has the authority to take

  • Senior Exhibition Opens April 23 in the University Gallery Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / April 21, 2014 April 21, 2014 ART IS THIS, the 2014 Senior Exhibition at Pacific Lutheran University, will begin with an opening reception on Wednesday, April 23 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in PLU’s University Gallery. It is featured as the last event in the 2014 SOAC Focus Series on Entrepreneurship. Visitors will see a wide variety of media from graduating artists in the Department of Art and Design. Works will

  • Dance 2019 – Collaborations Posted by: Reesa Nelson / April 11, 2019 April 11, 2019 By Kate Williams '16Dance collaboration has many meanings. Traditional collaborations include choreographers and composers working together to create a soundscape, or providing costume ideas for designers. Many choreographers collaborate with dancers to create the movement for a dance. Dance 2019 – Collaborations will feature two choreographed pieces by Sarah Seder, one performance from guest artist, Sam Picart