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  • drivers(clubs, field trips, athletic teams, etc. ) Completion of assigned driving training modules. Vehicle operations. On-campus speed limit 5 mph. Pedestrians have the right-of-way on campus. Safe backing and parking. Adherence to all State and Local laws regarding traffic movement and vehicle operations. Insurance requirements Trip safety. Golf cart operations. Vehicle incident response requirements. ALL DRIVERS MUST REVIEW THE VEHICLE SAFETY POLICY PRIOR TO DRIVING ON PLU BUSINESS. (By becoming

  • it’s Maybelline) Getting a little too competitive at game nightInvoluntarily speaking in a random accentRemembering if she locked the door behind her

  • Thank you for supporting Lute Men's Soccer! Q&A with Coach John YorkeWhat are some highlights of this year that shows your team succeeding, facing a challenge, and supporting each other? Highlight of the year was hosting and winning the first ever NCAA Men’s Soccer National Tournament game. We beat Trinity who was ranked #2 in the nation in Extra time penalty kicks on a comeback win after falling behind 1-0. What makes your student-athletes special? What makes you feel most proud of your team

  • pm - Lydia Downs``Embracing Diversity Through Teaching Banned Books``6:30 pm - Sydney Jeffery``American Zombies: The Anxieties and Fears Behind a Cultural Obsession``7:15 pm - Jazmin Garcia Hernandez``The Words That Are My Bones: Impacts of LatinX Feminist Literature``May 17, 2024 - Creative Writing11:30 am - Ashley Jacobson12:25 pm - Kalin Burgman1:10 pm - Holly Makar2:00 pm - Emily Fisher2:45 pm - Fiona Stirling11:30 am - Ashley Jacobson``Late Snow`` - Fiction12:25 pm - Kalin Burgman``Wizard

  • . Just then he’s interrupted, for about the fourth time. “Mr. MacDougall, I’ve got Brian’s spit on me!” Not everyone is cut out to be a middle school teacher, he admits. But he absolutely loves the age. His second year of teaching, he remembers absolutely hating the profession. But he pushed through and, by the fourth year, it all began to click. Back to Class Acts Main Read Previous Biologist use Murdock grants to study birds, fish Read Next Looking into the laws behind adoption COMMENTS*Note: All

  • that you are fully prepared. Gather your belongings. If you have an emergency kit in your office, take it with you. Shut the door behind you. Leave the building from the exit nearest the room you are leaving. Go to the Evacuation Assembly Area for the building you are leaving and check in with the Emergency Building Coordinator (EBC), Resident Assistant or your class instructor. Faculty who are in class during the drill should lead their class out of the nearest, unblocked exit to the evacuation

  • At the corner of Park Ave. and 121st St., a modest sign Trinity Lutheran Church, signalling the church services they hold every Sunday morning. When you approach the large brick building behind the sign, you feel small as you crane your neck toward the bell that sits atop the steeple. Its chime echoes through the air upon the hour, greeting and ushering you inside. You walk to the heavy oak doors; the cold handles are smooth in your hand. As the doors open, the hard exterior melts into a forest

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Pacific Lutheran University believes in a community approach to keeping the campus community safe. Within that, PLU works to educate faculty, staff, and students about issues of sexual misconduct including definitions, reporting options, resources, and intervention information. All incoming students to PLU will receive training on sexual misconduct, healthy relationships, consent, and bystander intervention through an online module and orientation. Student groups including athletics will

  • Clemson University – Advanced Materials Summer Research Program Application 2021 Posted by: nicolacs / February 22, 2021 February 22, 2021 This Summer Undergraduate Research Program will provide selected students with unique research training and professional development through an intensive ten-week summer program in the Department of Chemistry. In line with the strategic goals of the university, research opportunities will fall within two broad focus areas: Advanced Materials and Chemical