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  • this is her fifth year in the profession. “I learned about really becoming a good writer at PLU. I had some really good professors who really pushed me,” Hanson said. While at PLU, Hanson studied English Language Arts. This prepared her well for the National Board Certification, she said. “The content part was not hard, and it was not hard because I had that content background.” To teach in Washington, applicants must complete a bachelor’s degree, acquire teaching credentials and pass numerous

  • endeavors with Pacific Lutheran University. Natalie Mayer wanted to build on that good work by endowing a lecture series that addressed what she saw as a growing need — the spike in racist and anti-Semitic acts across the United States.The inaugural Natalie Mayer Holocaust and Genocide Studies Lecture, taking place on May 2, hosts language scholar and international expert Dr. Lid King, who will discuss how hate speech has flourished on the internet and detail how we must work to build a counter

  • A-weighted: An adjustment to sound level measurements that reflects the sensitivity of the human ear. Used for evaluating continuous or average noise levels. Audiogram: A chart, graph, or table resulting from an audiometric test showing an individual’s hearing threshold levels as a function of frequency. Audiologist: A professional, specializing in the study and rehabilitation of hearing, who is certified by the American Speech, Hearing, and Language Association, or the American Academy of

  • , San Francisco Certificate of Appreciation for JPL internship and presentation awarded by the Oregon Space Consortium (2005 Annual Affiliate Meeting) Teaching Fellowship, Oregon State University 2002-2008 Sigma Pi Sigma (physics honor society), inducted 2002 Biography I enjoy explaining physics concepts on a level that is understandable. Depending on a student’s mathematical and scientific background, the language you choose to communicate physics to them is crucial. Physics often has a reputation

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  • (Extensible Markup Language) tagging. By juxtaposing these two activities, students were able to compare the physical and intellectual ramifications of two very different modes of textual production. One of the first questions was: “How do I hold this quill?” By trial and error, students eventually discovered that a pencil grip with a slight tilt works best, and that it’s actually easier to write in “secretary” cursive than to print with a quill. In other words, what seemed at first to be odd choices in

  • Dancing to new levels: PLU’s Dance minor program celebrates 40 years Posted by: Kate Williams / November 14, 2017 November 14, 2017 By Zoey Mohammady, guest writer PLU Mast MediaSome say dance is a universal language. At Pacific Lutheran University, that concept is growing further through the opportunities that its Dance minor program offers. This fall 2017 semester marks the 40th anniversary of the program. The Dance minor program and Dance Ensemble were created by Professor Katherine Beckman

  • courses and programs, including your strengths and areas for development Describe the nature and extent of your language proficiency (if applicable to the program to which you are applying) Describe the relevance of your proposed course to the program and the program site Consider what strengths you will bring to the program and what challenges, if any, you anticipate in this position Site Director application packets are reviewed by the relevant Gateway Program Director and the Wang Center Executive

  • Universal language: how teaching music in rural Namibia was a life-changing experience for Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 When the principal of N/a’an ku sê, a rural school in Namibia that serves the San people, asked PLU music education major Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 to expand their existing music program to include children in junior primary (grades K-3), she initially felt daunted at… May 20, 2024 AcademicsEducationMusicReformerStudent LifeStudent VoiceStudy AbroadThe Arts

  • Universal language: how teaching music in rural Namibia was a life-changing experience for Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 When the principal of N/a’an ku sê, a rural school in Namibia that serves the San people, asked PLU music education major Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 to expand their existing music program to include children in junior primary (grades K-3), she initially felt daunted at… May 20, 2024 AcademicsEducationMusicReformerStudent LifeStudent VoiceStudy AbroadThe Arts

  • Universal language: how teaching music in rural Namibia was a life-changing experience for Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 When the principal of N/a’an ku sê, a rural school in Namibia that serves the San people, asked PLU music education major Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 to expand their existing music program to include children in junior primary (grades K-3), she initially felt daunted at… May 20, 2024 AcademicsEducationMusicReformerStudent LifeStudent VoiceStudy AbroadThe Arts