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  • Consent (part of the online application in Mentor). This will allow use of an Online Cover Letter along with “click consent.” Click consent refers to the participant clicking a “begin the survey” button to indicate their consent to participate after they have read the informed consent language. Compensation If it is necessary to collect participant contact information in order to offer compensation (e.g., research familiarization credit, extra credit, payment), to maintain anonymity, researchers must

  • approver. A request will be sent via email to the authorized approver to confirm that permission was granted to begin the negotiation process. The contract and supporting documents will be reviewed by the necessary parties. Risk Services will contact the Department Sponsor if changes need to be made to the contract language. Once the review and negotiations have concluded, the contract will be signed by an Authorized Signatory and it will be returned to the Department Sponsor. The Department Sponsor is

  • used the language of profit to understand the peoples and places they encountered, while his Mayer research explored the ideas of race and nation for the Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg. Gostisha credits these research experiences, and the mentorship of professors Beth Kraig, Rebekah Mergenthal, and Beth Griech-Polelle, with inspiring him to be a lifelong historian. He continues on this path in graduate school at the University of Chicago, where he studies the British Atlantic world. Greyson Hoye

  • little icky thinking about becoming innovative here because that’s just not how we understand D&I work. Angie: I’m thinking about it a little bit in that way too, Tyler. It’s like “D&I” is just the language we’re using in the framework of the academy. But if I think about my work personally — as Angie trying to humanize my black son — that work and how I choose to do that with him is innovative because we have been told for so long that we are not human. And I don’t refer to that work as “D&I.” Tyler

  • direct math input in addition to natural language input. This provides individuals who study math with instant visualizations and explanations of equations, functions, and more. Outside the realm of math, WolframAlpha provides a wide variety of search results. Curious about Harriet Tubman? Wolfram can provide you with an accessible summary of details about her life. Need to know statistics about height distribution in the US for people aged 16? Instantly get a graphic representation of CDC data on

  • chin that would connect a beard made of fiber to the mask and the 47 holes that go around the entire face on the edge of the mask would connect raffia fonds to other pieces of the costume to conceal the wearer’s identity. During the dance when gre masks are worn, each wearer /mask is individually introduced and the performance is in the Nyabwa language. Gre masks occasionally appear in entertainments and other public festivals, funerals, trials, inter-village treaty ceremonies and during hunting

  • Transportation to Pacific Lutheran University Lunch/snacks Check into residence hall and get PLU ID card Welcome Dinner September 2 – 4: Orientation and English proficiency testing Shopping trip(s) September 5 – 6: Free time and option PLU social activities September 7: Labor Day (holiday in the United States) – free time September 9 – 11: Orientation and English language instruction Visits to PLU departments like Outdoor Recreation and services like the Library Trip to downtown Tacoma for the farmer’s

  • [since their] parents and families, other than not knowing the language, really have never experienced anything beyond middle school.” Her own parents had only finished middle school in their countries of origin before having to start work. Since Pacific Lutheran wasn’t Isamar’s first choice of school, it wasn’t immediately obvious if she would be able to find a community on campus where she fit in. Thankfully, she was introduced to the Diversity Center by a professor and, although she went for the

  • By Sarah Cornell-Maier When I think of social innovation, the first thing that comes to mind is a creative combination of new social practices and existing infrastructure. Some useful examples include certified fair trade organizations, which provide equity in trading relationships through an integrated supply chain, and the new Enable Talk smartphone app, which allows sign language to be translated into speech, giving people with hearing impairments the ability to communicate with hearing

  • , Computer Science, Engineering, Economics and Business all fit in well with Math. But English or a foreign language also make sense. Get involved! Employers like to hire people who can work well with others. Extra curricular activities or jobs where you work with others and learn to communicate with others are the sort of thing employers look for. Take advantage of summer jobs or any internship opportunities you can find. The more experience you can get the more hireable you are.