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  • Outside Scholarship PostingsThis page provides opportunities for PLU students to secure additional scholarships  and allows us to discontinue the practice of providing paper notices and/or applications in the Hauge Administration Bldg.  You are encouraged to apply for any scholarships for which you meet its eligibility criteria to help fill a financial gap, possibly reduce the amount of student loans you need to borrow, or even give you a little more financial flexibility with your expenses

  • Anti-virus SoftwareAll PLU-owned computers already have virus protection software installed. PLU requires that any personally owned computer connecting to the PLU network be protected from viruses. Anyone who uses a computer on the network is a member of the community and shares in the responsibility of protecting network services for others. Please be aware of the following information before connecting to the PLU network: Review the Anti-Virus Software Policy here Read the Anti-Virus FAQs

  • A passion for dance, a call to teach Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / September 4, 2015 September 4, 2015 For Ariella Brown, dance has always been her passion, but not always her full-time job. While working behind a desk during the day, and carving out time in the evening to dance, she realized those few hours would never satisfy her. She made the decision to get an advanced dance degree with hopes of someday teaching at the university level. In graduate school, she taught students who wanted to

  • March 1, 2011 USO features student soloists in March concert This month’s University Symphony Orchestra concert on March 22 will feature four student soloists – three sopranos and a composer – that will showcase talent ranging from operatic to the singing of French chants from the 14th century. “It’s rare to have all the soloists be singers,” said Jeffrey Bell-Hanson, the USO’s conductor and PLU’s director of orchestral activities. “It just so happened that’s the way it worked out this year

  • Hunger is a deep-rooted problem in every community so, at first glance, Trinity Community Food Pantry doesn’t seem to be extraordinary. However, hunger in many forms vanquished within these rosy tan brick walls. There is a community within the Parkland community, and it meets at the food bank. They’d like you to know that they aren’t what you’d expect to see, and they’d like you to know that their numbers are rising, borne on the tide of “too much month and not enough money.” The majority

  • LEED BuildingsPacific Lutheran University is currently in the process of remodeling and reconstructing multiple buildings throughout campus. The goal: for each building to obtain a LEED Rating of Gold. LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is an internationally recognized certification system designed to determine whether or not buildings are considered green or sustainable. Put forth by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED uses strategies aimed at improving performance across

  • A passion for dance, a call to teach Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / September 4, 2015 September 4, 2015 For Ariella Brown, dance has always been her passion, but not always her full-time job. While working behind a desk during the day, and carving out time in the evening to dance, she realized those few hours would never satisfy her. She made the decision to get an advanced dance degree with hopes of someday teaching at the university level. In graduate school, she taught students who wanted to

  • Faculty Development WebinarsWe have created a set of modules designed to help you learn about ways to support, sustain, and enrich you as a faculty member. Whether PLU is a new place for you or if you are seeking ways to better support your work as a faculty member, we hope these modules provide you with some strategies to help you think about, successfully fulfill, and grow in your roles of teaching, scholarship and service. While these modules are designed to be available to all faculty at

  • March 2, 2009 Using math to build community For the students, from PLU and middle schools around the area, the Mathletes Tutor Program is more than just numbers and equations.“What we are about is community building,” said Bryan Dorner, PLU math professor. Last week, hundreds of area middle schoolers, their parents and about 20 PLU students who take part in the tutoring program gathered at PLU to celebrate the program and mathematics. For the past five years, PLU math students have volunteered

  • September 17, 2010 Lute Spirit! By Chris Albert This fall, there’s something new roaming the sidelines at PLU sports events. PLU’s new mascot – the Knight. It’s actually a bit of a blast from the past too. Meet the new PLU mascot – the knight. The Lutes were once called the Knights in the 1970s and 80s. The teams now are still the Lutes, but the mascot is the Knight. The mascot will be part of the cheer squad and help rally Lutes in the stands to cheer on their fellow student athletes. Plans