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  • January 12, 2011 Mike Vermuelen always liked rocks. Now he gets to study them up close in Antarctica. By Barbara Clements In a lab littered with Hostess snack bars and French fry wrappers, geosciences student Mike Vermeulen ’12, turns to his computer and pops up a map of Antarctica. He then points to a grid in the upper part of the frozen continent. Mike Vermeulen has always been fascinated by rocks and dinosaurs. This last winter, he travelled south to Antarctica to study deglaciation of rocks

  • served in Alaska’s House of Representatives in 1992 at the age of 29. He was re-elected in 1994 and served one term in the Alaska State Senate form 1996 to 2000.During his tenure in the governor’s office, he has worked on Alaska’s economy, schools and championed domestic violence legislation. Parnell graduated from PLU with a Bachelor of Arts in business administration. Married to his wife, Sandy (Scebold ’84) Parnell, since 1987, they have two daughters. Student commencement speaker   Andrew Reyna

  • November 1, 2013 The Sankta Lucia festival has been an annual tradition at Pacific Lutheran University since 1951. Photo: PLU files. SCC Holds Annual Sankta Lucia Fest By Sandy Deneau Dunham The Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran University presents its traditional Sankta Lucia Fest at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6. For more than 60 years, a PLU student has been chosen to represent the spirit of Lucia, a female saint venerated in Sweden for bringing light and hope during the darkest month of

  • The National Lutheran Choir7:30 p.m. | Thursday, Sept. 28 |Lagerquist Concert Hall The National Lutheran Choir, under the direction of Dr. David Cherwien, will present the first West Coast concert at Pacific Lutheran University on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. in Lagerquist Concert Hall at the Mary Baker Russell Music Center. With the title, UNA SANCTA (One Holy), the program will include ancient as well as contemporary works that celebrate the reform initiated 500 years ago by Martin

  • Response Team  (CONFIDENTIAL) — The purpose of the BIRT is to anonymously collect data regarding instances of experienced bias within the PLU community and monitor the type and frequency of such occurrences. Counseling Center  (CONFIDENTIAL) — Walk-in hours are available Monday-Friday from 10-11 a.m. and from 2-3 p.m.; call 253-535-7206 for an appointment or in person at the Counseling Center in the Anderson University Center, Suite 300. Campus Ministry  (CONFIDENTIAL) — Drop-in Anderson University

  • To Do List for Graduate-Level Students Congratulations on your decision to attend PLU! Before you enter this exciting PLU adventure, there are a lot of items to take care of. The list below can be overwhelming but trust us; your transition to new life in the U.S. and at PLU will go a lot smoother if you take care of the following items before you depart your home country. Please let us know if you need any assistance or have any questions! Accepting Admission Respond to Admission Offer Log into

  • Anthropology Program Learning Outcomes Identify and explain the complexity of biological and cultural diversity over time and across space. (ILOs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) Illustrate the importance of studying cultures with the holistic, comparative, and biocultural approaches to studying humans over time and across space. (ILOs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) Explain the importance of the concepts/issues associated with the terms cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, and racism with reference to a variety of cultural

  • PLU supports the efforts of faculty, students, staff, and administrators to employ and augment the inclusive language guidelines of their professions or disciplines, and to reflect upon the cultural conditions which have made such guidelines integral to contemporary language use. General ELCA guidelines suggest that inclusive language avoid stereotypes and biases and not alienate, demean, or misrepresent persons based on gender, race, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, class

  • Faculty GovernanceFaculty Governance at PLU empowers faculty, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents, in the area of educational policy.  Faculty also have the right to make recommendations and advise the administration with respect to other areas of university life. Use the buttons below to navigate to various sections of the Faculty Governance website. (Pages will open in a new tab.)Faculty Governance HomeGo nowFaculty HandbookView OnlineFaculty AssemblyGo nowFaculty Executive

  • Group X Schedule The Office of Recreational Sports stays up-to-date with current fitness trends by offering a wide variety of classes. Our goal is to provide fun and diverse programs to meet your fitness needs. All of our group exercise classes are free of charge and open to all PLU students. Classes are held in both Memorial Gym and the Columbia Center Dance Studio. Please remember to bring your Lute Card and sign up on before the start of each class. Group X is proud to offer