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Life-Changing Connections Across Time and Continents The ‘Namibia Nine’ film crew on location, from left: Andrea Capere, Princess Reese, Joanne Lisosky, Melannie Denise Cunningham, Shunying Wang, Maurice Byrd. PLU Film Team Spends a Month in Namibia Exploring Transformative Experiences in Higher Ed—Including Their Own By…
their current-day living,” said Cunningham. “Witnessing their passion as they tell their individual stories has changed my life. Specifically, I have been reminded of my freedom that I sometimes take for granted and re-focused on the struggle for equality that still remains both in Namibia and in America.” The film crew goes over script development in Namibia. (Photo: Maurice Byrd ’14) PLU’s Namibia Connections The filmmaking team is based for the month of June in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, a
Math Department has 4 MAA Honorees on Staff TACOMA, Wash. (April 20, 2015)— Pacific Lutheran University Associate Professor of Mathematics Daniel (Deej) Heath will be recognized with the 2015 Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, a national award sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America, in August.…
) Heath will be recognized with the 2015 Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, a national award sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America, in August.The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is one of two major U.S. mathematics organizations and one of the largest in the world. MAA emphasizes teaching, professional development and expository writing, and its Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, established in 1976, is given to authors of expository articles published in Mathematics Magazine. Up to two of
TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 28, 2017)- Community leaders behind the Pierce Center for Arts & Technology (PCAT) have big plans to create a wide variety of new opportunities for both youth and adults in the South Sound region. The recently established nonprofit organization is working toward…
NCAT-supported centers are designed to be life changing. “(Our goals) go beyond equipping students with specific skills, to empowering each participant to effect the change they want to see in their own lives,” Schouten said. Nguyen, who has 20 years of experience in Pierce County workforce development, agrees. “We can make our community better by providing access to arts and education,” she said. “It’s the key to rising out of poverty and having a better life — and that’s why this project is so
Each year, around 10,000 teams participate in The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling , an international contest where teams of undergrad students have 99 hours straight to create a mathematical model addressing a complex social or scientific issue. Each year, the top awards go to large…
Sustainability Development Goals and to illustrate how progress on one goal might influence the others. Their innovative solution—explained in a 23-page pulled together on the last day of the competition and summarized, “Network of goals; a forest of numbers; an ONION.; and in the end, poverty was the root of the problem”—earned them a top award from the Mathematical Association of America. Beyond being intellectually intense, the competition is also physically grueling; students usually sleep no more than
Brian Sung ’24 has made the most out of his PLU years inside and outside the classroom. In the classroom, he’s an international honors student with a double major in business and economics and a double minor in data science and statistics. Outside the classroom,…
Gilgamesh or the Bible?” These concepts speak about the human condition. It helped me break through academic walls in finance and economics that I could not have without IHON.Study Economics at PLUAre you interested in learning more about how economics can be applied to real-world policy and business problems? The PLU economics department equips students with expertise in economics and its applications in microeconomics, macroeconomics, development, trade, international, and environmental economics.What
Mortvedt Library database subscriptions make an extraordinary number of journals available to the University community. You may want to stay current with topics from your discipline or higher education. One great option is to sign up to receive personalized “alerts” to your email inbox via…
Subscribe to Journal Alerts Posted by: bodewedl / January 27, 2017 January 27, 2017 Mortvedt Library
Gaslighting is the through line and ultimate source of tension in season two of Sanditon . This psychological manipulation is present in Captain Lennox’s abuse of Mr. Parker’s trust and the financial entrapment that threatens to sap Sanditon dry, one more in a series of…
also of its history as a manipulative strategy that victimizes women specifically. Most simply, gaslighting constitutes the systematic devaluing of a person’s reality in order to convince them that they are insane as a means of exerting control over them. The term itself originated from the screen in the 1944 film Gaslight. Paula, the heroine, is romanced by Gregory who becomes her husband and then proceeds to manipulate her into thinking she is mad so that he can have her committed and steal her
TACOMA, Wash. (Oct. 15, 2015)—Resilience is characterized by the “power or ability to return to original form” after being “bent, compressed or stretched.” You see examples of resilience in the news all the time—in the exhausted yet determined faces of Syrian refugees, in the grace of forgiveness following…
performing The Monologues at the Washington Corrections Center for Women in Gig Harbor on Friday, Feb. 26th. 2016 Wang Center Symposium: The Countenance of Hope: Toward an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Resilience Feb. 25-26 | All Day | Multiple Locations on Campus | More Information Through presentations by professionals, authors, academics and hands-on practitioners, the biennial international symposium is designed to stimulate serious thinking on a single global challenge. Food
Beautiful mutants: a PLU biology class harvests for the future About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with…
and environmentally sustainable agriculture. Laurie-Berry started teaching at PLU in the fall of 2008. In addition to Plant Physiology, Laurie-Berry’s other classes include Plant Development and Genetic Engineering and a first-year writing class focused on global agriculture, world hunger, genetic engineering and related topics. “Our central question for the course is how agriculture and related systems must change to alleviate global hunger,” Laurie-Berry says.Before 2015, the original PLU
Olympic medalist turns the world’s attention to Darfur and human rights issues By Barbara Clements In 2006, international journalists gathered around a relatively unknown skater, preparing for the usual lines about the long journey to winning an Olympic gold medal and thanks to mom and…
organization that uses sport and play as a tool for the development of children in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world. He has gone on to raise nearly $1,000,000 for charitable efforts. Before he was 30, Cheek has been lauded by U.S. presidents, spoke to Congress and notables such as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and hobnobbed with stars such as George Clooney, been featured on a Wheaties box and been vetted with national and international humanitarian awards. He has been awarded or
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