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  • Major Sakai Upgrade in August Sakai at PLU will be upgraded from version 12 to version 21 on Saturday, August 20, 2022. While almost all content and tools will transition seamlessly with the upgrade, instructors should expect differences in Sakai’s user interface and anticipate new features . Instructors are encouraged… March 1, 2022

  • Mission StatementWe instill in all our students an appreciation for the evolution of biological diversity, a sense of amazement and curiosity about life and life processes, and an understanding of the scientific method used to satisfy that curiosity. We create an inclusive learning environment that encourages student-faculty collaboration and allows both students and faculty to achieve their full potential as scientists, independent thinkers, and globally responsible citizens. Professor Jacob

  • This project seeks to answer three questions: First, what happens when we focus our reading and discussion of Austen’s work on her representations of the environment. Our definition of the environment includes air, wind, water, landscapes and grounds, and the more-than-human world (animals, plants, microbes, and more). Second, what can reading Jane Austen in the midst of our present environmental crises teach us about the possibilities that literature opens up and closes off for our deep

  • Approved by President’s Council October 2003 Supplemental work above one’s basic letter of appointment and any resulting, associated pay requires the prior recommendation of one’s supervisor and the prior approval of the vice president and must be made in accordance with university personnel policies. For one-time payments to faculty and exempt staff, recommendations may be made using the Extra Pay Form, which can be downloaded from the Payroll office website. For payments spanning more than

  • Sociology Minor20 semester hours, including: SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology 16 semester hours of sociology. Choose from SOCI 210 (Gender and Society), 232 (Research Methods), 240 (Social Problems), 287 (ST in Sociology), 330 (Family), 332 (Race and Ethnicity), 336 (Deviance), 378 (Consumption), 387 (ST in Sociology), 391 (Sociology of Religion), 410 (Social Stratification), 494 (Gender and Violence), 495 (Internship), and 496 (Sociological Theory). STAT 233 may be included in the minor

  • How to Create a Basic Online Lesson Posted by: Marcom Web Team / March 6, 2020 March 6, 2020 By Dana Shreaves, Instructional Designer When on-campus class sessions cannot be held as scheduled, online lessons provide an alternative method for teaching. Online lessons created in Sakai can provide faculty and students with access to all the major components of a course, including instructional content, activities, and assessments. While a fully online class is best designed through the PLUTO

  • Three students share how scholarships support them in their pursuit to make the world better than how they found it During the 2023-2024 academic year, 2,345 students received PLU-funded aid, with the average PLU student receiving $37,036 in scholarships. Through scholarship support, donors are part of a network of care that supports students in pursuing their educational goals, unlocking their full potential, and becoming leaders… June 24, 2024 Student Life, Resources, Community

  • list of best regional universities in the West. PLU was one of only three Pacific Northwest universities ranked in the top 15 of the highly competitive category that includes universities from as far away as Texas. “PLU is dedicated to providing a transformative, purposeful and interdisciplinary education that creates a strong foundation from which our graduates are prepared to be lifelong learners and can build successful and meaningful careers,” said President Allan Belton. “We are proud of our

  • What is a Computer Virus?A computer virus is a program that replicates by copying or attempting to copy itself to another program or computer. It can be transmitted as attachments to an e-mail, a downloaded file, on a flash drive or CD, or get in through a security hole that has not been patched. Some viruses start causing harm to your system as soon as their code is executed, and others can stay dormant on your machine until something causes their code to be executed. Many viruses simply use

  • Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students Announcement Posted by: Thomas Krise / May 2, 2014 May 2, 2014 It is my pleasure to share with you the news that Dr. Joanna Royce-Davis will join PLU as Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students on Friday, August 1st, 2014.   Joanna comes to us from the University of the Pacific, where she most recently served as Dean of Students in the Division of Student Life.  In her 15-year career at the University of the Pacific, she has served