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  • , Spokanasaurus Rex.Yes, you read that right. In addition to parenting her daughters, all younger than 12, Caprye spends time in Spokane, Washington, parks, playgrounds and even lakes in a human sized, inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex costume. “I think it’s fun to give people a crazy experience that makes them smile and kind of bonds people together,” Caprye said. “Because everybody who is there is like ‘did you just see that?’” Caprye started Spokanasaurus Rex in April. She brings the suit when she’s out with

  • Three students share how scholarships support them in their pursuit to make the world better than how they found it During the 2023-2024 academic year, 2,345 students received PLU-funded aid, with the average PLU student receiving $37,036 in scholarships. Through scholarship support, donors are part of a network of care that supports students in pursuing their educational goals, unlocking their full potential, and becoming leaders… June 24, 2024 Student Life, Resources, Community

  • What is a Computer Virus?A computer virus is a program that replicates by copying or attempting to copy itself to another program or computer. It can be transmitted as attachments to an e-mail, a downloaded file, on a flash drive or CD, or get in through a security hole that has not been patched. Some viruses start causing harm to your system as soon as their code is executed, and others can stay dormant on your machine until something causes their code to be executed. Many viruses simply use

  • October 6, 2008 “The Shack” author says he never meant to write a book. William P. Young said he first wrote “The Shack,” for his children, and didn’t think anything more of it, until friends and family encouraged him to publish the book, which he did, with the help of friends, some savings and some credit cards. He thought it would take years to get rid of the first 10,000 books stacked in that friend’s garage. But now, as the sales of the books are closing in on the 4 million mark and the

  • September 17, 2010 Lute Spirit! By Chris Albert This fall, there’s something new roaming the sidelines at PLU sports events. PLU’s new mascot – the Knight. It’s actually a bit of a blast from the past too. Meet the new PLU mascot – the knight. The Lutes were once called the Knights in the 1970s and 80s. The teams now are still the Lutes, but the mascot is the Knight. The mascot will be part of the cheer squad and help rally Lutes in the stands to cheer on their fellow student athletes. Plans

  • November 1, 2013 The Sankta Lucia festival has been an annual tradition at Pacific Lutheran University since 1951. Photo: PLU files. SCC Holds Annual Sankta Lucia Fest By Sandy Deneau Dunham The Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran University presents its traditional Sankta Lucia Fest at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6. For more than 60 years, a PLU student has been chosen to represent the spirit of Lucia, a female saint venerated in Sweden for bringing light and hope during the darkest month of

  • Science Association Latino Caucus.The book, Latino Professionals in America: Testimonios of Policy, Perseverance, and Success, combines rich qualitative interviews, auto-ethnographic accounts, and policy analysis. It explores the converging oppressions that can make it difficult for Latinos to become professionals and to envision themselves as successful in those professions. “Receiving the Latino Caucus Best Book Award for this book is an honor because it shows me that the discipline of political

  • , helped him land a summer internship with the Portland Pickles, a baseball team with an unforgettable name and a legendary Portland brand. 1. What was your internship experience like working with the Portland Pickles? The internship was a lot of work. It was about 60-ish hours per week. A typical game day would have us getting to the field at 11 a.m., we would set up the stadium, set up the merch tent, put up posters, etc. Then we’d have a production meeting to discuss what the day is going to look

  • Theatre professor finds her wild hope at PLU Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / January 15, 2014 January 15, 2014 Change was in the air when Assistant Professor of Theatre, Dr. Lori Lee Wallace, came to PLU in fall 2012. This was the same year President Krise arrived as the 13th president of PLU, the Theatre program was taking on two new tenure-line positions, and the Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts was near completion. During her first year, students took to Wallace quickly. After

  • December 1, 2009 Perspective – The view through safety goggles Folks around Rieke Science Center – and sometimes in other parts of campus when I’m running late for a meeting – often see me donning a certain accessory that is quintessential to chemists worldwide: safety goggles. We all wear them. Our laboratory students often complain that the goggles are uncomfortable or fog up during a frustrating lab day. But as a regular user through my years in research, I’m indebted to them for reasons