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  • The English Department is pleased to present the 2024 Spring Capstones. Thursday, May 16 – 5:00-9:00 pm:   Morken 216 – ENGL 424 – Creative Writing   Morken 214 – ENGL 434 – Writing, Literature, and Public Engagement Friday, May 17 – 11:30-4:00 pm: Morken 103 – ENGL 424 – Creative Writing Hauge Admn, Room 202 – ENGL 434 – Writing, Literature, and Public Engagement May 16, 2024 - Creative Writing5:00 pm - Kaylie Bracy5:55 pm - Victoria Schultz6:45 pm - Meghan Mitchell7:30 pm - Rachel Paller5:00

  • Angela Meade Vocal Performance Scholarship Underway Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / January 2, 2014 January 2, 2014 On January 18, Soprano Angela Meade ‘01 performed a one-time-only benefit concert at PLU to kick off fundraising for the new Angela Meade Vocal Performance Scholarship. “During my years at PLU, I received about a third of my tuition in scholarships and I know how essential they are,” Meade wrote in the night’s program. “My parents always taught me to be thankful for what you have and

  • September 6, 2011 President Loren J. Anderson gives his 20th Convocation address, opening the 122nd year of PLU. Convocation 2011: “Lead Boldly” By Chris Albert President Loren J. Anderson welcomed students – new and returning, faculty, staff, regents, PLU corporation representatives and local ELCA clergy to the opening of the 2011-12 academic year. He challenged students to “learn well, serve gladly and lead boldly,” in his 20th and final PLU convocation address. “Each year on this day it is

  • March 1, 2013 Peace forum livestreamed at PLU Three speakers at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum will be livestreamed at PLU on March 8,9 and 10. Discussion by faculty will follow. March 8: The first lecture will be by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, the father of the micro-credit movement, and it will be streamed live at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 8  in room 133 of the Anderson University Center. Faculty-led discussion will be led by professors Priscilla St. Clair (economics), and Mark Mulder and Fern

  • to fostering a global learning environment not only through our study away programs, but also through welcoming international students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars to learn, teach and thrive on our campus.  We are grateful to the leaders at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who filed the lawsuit that led to this rescission. PLU was proud to sign onto an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit that would have been delivered to Congress later this week. Thank

  • 2021 Lucia Court with Tiffany Wong Sankta Lucia Candle CeremonyAlthough the past few years have been dark, tainted by the far reaching effects of the global pandemic,  we in 2023 still celebrate this Festival of Light. Sankta Lucia brought light to the people, and her crown of candles is a symbol of that gift, bearing a similarity to an Advent wreath, which reminds us of the gift of Christ. Each candle in the crown represents a different virtue of Lucia’s character, a reminder of that which

  • Support from the SidelinesA great deal of learning happens outside the classroom. By working during college, your student will gain valuable employment experience and the opportunity to test and develop skills that will help them succeed after graduation. We offer diverse job opportunities  and internships to our students both on and off campus. Remember, Career Advisors are available to help students with each step along the way! As a parent, guardian, family member, or mentor you can help

  • Cyber Safety at PLURead on to become familiar with the following cyberspace hazards and understand the possible consequences of your internet choices. A key point to remember: PLU will NEVER ask you to reveal your password or other such personal information via email! Phishing ScamsPhishing is identified by a seemingly legitimate email request to verify your bank account, IRS records or other important personal information. These messages ask for you to click on a link or reply to an email to

  • Pursuing the Dream Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / October 21, 2012 Image: After applying as a cellist for the Broadway musical Spring Awakening, just for fun, Justin Huertas ’09 found himself on a national tour and is working on turning the experience into his own show. (Photo by Kristina R. Corbitt) – See more at: October 21, 2012 By Leah Traxel ’14 Justin Huertas ’09 was ready to “break up” with acting and playing the

  • Building in downtown Tacoma. His last day is Wednesday, Jan. 9. “It’s another challenge,” Villahermosa said of his new position. “I’m excited to bring a lot of what I learned here – the skills I learned, the knowledge and especially the culture – to my new job. “I’ll definitely miss it here, I’ll miss the people.” A reception to bid farewell to Villahermosa and welcome Berger is slated for Jan. 9 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. Berger has 21 years of law enforcement experience