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  • To start adding a table click on the TablePress tab       To make a new table click the Add New Table button and then you will be brought here:     Enter in the title and description, as well as the number of columns and rows. You can add/subtract additional rows and columns later.     If you scroll down you will see more table options. Start off with only the top three default options checked. The less options you use the better, you do not want a table to become cluttered will options and

  • Multi-Factor Authentication with Duo Security In order to better protect your ePass account and its access to your personal and institutional data, Information & Technology Services provides an additional security feature for PLU ePass accounts called multi-factor authentication. Many PLU web-based services and accounts that may have access to sensitive data are enabled to use multi-factor authentication. This means that in addition to providing your ePass username and password at the time of

  • Procurement PoliciesWhat is a Department Sponsor?“Department Sponsor” is the term used by the University to refer to the Department point of contact for purchases and/or Contracts with a vendor. The Department Sponsor is required to verify that all related invoices reflect the pricing established. If there are non-performance or inadequate performance issues, the Department Sponsor must document the incident in writing to the vendor and CC the Procurement Manager. Department Sponsors must

  • PLU students visit Oaxaca, Mexico, to learn about health care 🇲🇽 Posted by: mhines / January 17, 2024 January 17, 2024 January Term (J-Term for short), PLU’s month-long term between fall and spring semester, is when many of our students take advantage of our incredible study away options in multiple places around the world. Planned and coordinated by professors and PLU’s study away center, J-Term study away class options range from Marine Biology in the Bahamas to a Political Science course

  • Ole Miss Chemistry Now Accepting REU Applications Posted by: alemanem / January 8, 2019 January 8, 2019 2019 Ole Miss Chemistry Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program: The Ole Miss Chemistry Department seeks applicants for an NSF-funded summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2019. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who have not yet graduated can participate fully in “Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Summer Research Program

  • 2016 Lemkin Lecturer Dr. Gerhard WeinbergDr. Gerhard Weinberg, Professor Emeritus of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will be speaking at PLU on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Regency Room. Dr. Weinberg is a leading world scholar on the topics of Nazi Germany, WWII, foreign policy, and the Holocaust. He was born in Nazi Germany into a family of German Jews, he and his family escaped to London. Later, Dr. Weinberg joined the U.S Military. He earned his Ph.D. in 1951 at the

  • 2016 Lemkin Lecturer Dr. Gerhard WeinbergDr. Gerhard Weinberg, Professor Emeritus of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will be speaking at PLU on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Regency Room. Dr. Weinberg is a leading world scholar on the topics of Nazi Germany, WWII, foreign policy, and the Holocaust. He was born in Nazi Germany into a family of German Jews, he and his family escaped to London. Later, Dr. Weinberg joined the U.S Military. He earned his Ph.D. in 1951 at the

  • 2016 Lemkin Lecturer Dr. Gerhard WeinbergDr. Gerhard Weinberg, Professor Emeritus of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will be speaking at PLU on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Regency Room. Dr. Weinberg is a leading world scholar on the topics of Nazi Germany, WWII, foreign policy, and the Holocaust. He was born in Nazi Germany into a family of German Jews, he and his family escaped to London. Later, Dr. Weinberg joined the U.S Military. He earned his Ph.D. in 1951 at the

  • 2016 NWACC Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies Posted by: nordgrle / December 15, 2016 December 15, 2016 Each year the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC), a group of 33 northwest colleges and universities, sponsors an Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies. The award recognizes faculty members and instructional technologists at member institutions for work demonstrating effective design, development, integration, and/or support of instructional technology

  • Web ServicesInstructional Technologies provides services that enable faculty, staff, and students to enhance teaching, learning, and productivity through the development of Web sites and/or other Web-based resources. Create a Web Site – If you need to create a Web site, or even if you are merely interested in exploring your options, we can meet with you and provide an overview of Web site creation resources that are available at PLU. We will work with you to define your goals and needs and then