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  • and men to tell their own stories through writing. Davis currently lives in the Ozarks, where he teaches for the Program in Creative Writing & Translation at the University of Arkansas. Raised by the Pacific Northwest, he also serves as Poetry Editor for Iron Horse Literary Review.  Mentor. Workshops and classes in poetry. Statement: I encourage writers to keep sight of what comes next. Yes, we will work on sharpening our craft through intensive practice with technique and through a study of

  • PLU is the small, private university in Tacoma, Washington where everyone shares a bold commitment to expanding well-being, opportunity, and justice.

    accommodate working students, courses will be offered on a hybrid schedule. Portions of each class will be offered online (either synchronously or asynchronously), and some of the in-person classes will be offered in late afternoons and evenings. Clinically-orientedThe program is designed to help students prepare for social work careers in a variety of settings related to physical and behavioral health in clinical specialties such as healthcare, schools, community organizations, policy development, and

    Graduate Admission
    Pacific Lutheran University 12180 Park Avenue South Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • Jennifer Foerster Poetry Biography Biography Jennifer Elise Foerster is the author of three books of poetry, Leaving Tulsa (2013), Bright Raft in the Afterweather (2018), and The Maybe-Bird (2022), and served as the Associate Editor of When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry. She is the recipient of a NEA Creative Writing Fellowship, a Lannan Foundation Writing Residency Fellowship, a Hermitage Artist Retreat Fellowship, and

  • Toward a Supreme Fiction” in Wallace Stevens: Collected Poetry and Prose (The Library of America; New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1997), 334. Photo Credits  Typesetting; photo by Karen Horton Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary; photo by Alex Brown Kitsilano Beach Park; photo by Colin Knowles Back: The Humanities Across CulturesNext: Locating Humanities in the 21st Century

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 5, 2016)- A familiar Pacific Lutheran University tradition changes its anatomy this year, as organizers reimagine “The Vagina Monologues” as “The Monologues” – a fresher, more interactive take on the famous play. Incorporating student-written content, “The Monologues” is a twist on the…

    trans women, more queer women, more women of color to talk about their experiences,” said Courtney Gould ’16, creative director for the production. Gould says this more personal approach to “The Monologues” gives students a space to share their feelings and speak their truths to an audience of their peers. All of the student-written monologues will touch upon issues that affect female Lutes in their everyday lives, such as disabilities and fat-shaming. “We want to bring a PLU aspect to it, so it’s

  • We are Pacific Lutheran University. Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care. PLU seeks to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people, for their

    work, and has shown me what it means to care for your community. These values make me a better leader and I have PLU to thank for that. Kennedy Gwin ‘20, Current Student Former ASPLU president CHOOSE YOUR NEXT PATHMAJORS & ACADEMIC PROGRAMSPacific Lutheran University offers more than 40 undergraduate majors and graduate programs in business, creative writing, education, kinesiology, marriage & family therapy and nursing. Find the program that fits for you.Undergraduate ProgramsGraduate

    Reike Science Center, Room 126 Tacoma, WA 98447
    Reike Science Center, Room 159 Tacoma, WA 98447
  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 30, 2016)- Dr. Antonios Finitsis didn’t require a video assignment at the start of his religion course at Pacific Lutheran University. The creative ambition of a group of students in 2008 planted the seed for what’s become a university tradition — PLU…

    require a video assignment at the start of his religion course at Pacific Lutheran University. The creative ambition of a group of students in 2008 planted the seed for what’s become a university tradition — PLU Hebrew Idol.The competition features short films written, filmed and edited by students in Finitsis’ course titled “Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible.” Each year, online voting by students determines the top three movies, which go on to face evaluation by a panel of judges. This year

  • torrin a. greathouse Poetry Biography Biography torrin a. greathouse is a transgender cripple-punk poet and essayist. She received her MFA in creative writing from the University of Minnesota. Her work has been featured in Poetry Magazine, The Rumpus, the New York Times Magazine, Ploughshares, and The Kenyon Review. She has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Effing Foundation for Sex Positivity, The Ragdale Foundation, and the University of Arizona Poetry Center

  • Sebastian Bostwick Student Success Advisor They/Them Email: Professional Biography Education Master of Fine Arts, Poetry, Notre Dame, 2020 Bachelor of Arts, English, Western Washington University, 2016 Biography Sebastian Bostwick is nonbinary trans poet, cat person, and plant parent. They’ve been with PLU since August 2022, but working in higher education has been a life-long dream of theirs. They hold a Bachelor of Arts in English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing, from

    Contact Information
  • Sebastian Bostwick Student Success Advisor They/Them Email: Professional Biography Education Master of Fine Arts, Poetry, Notre Dame, 2020 Bachelor of Arts, English, Western Washington University, 2016 Biography Sebastian Bostwick is a nonbinary trans poet, cat person, and plant parent. They’ve been with PLU since August 2022, but working in higher education has been a life-long dream of theirs. They hold a Bachelor of Arts in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from

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