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  • university’s on-call crisis-response structure, and we work to help students find the help they need both in the moment but also long-term when in crisis.Campus LifeLearn more about Campus LifeWhat does a typical day at your job look like? That is kind of hard to describe with every day being different. But for the most part, it is a lot of administrative time for email, running reports and gathering data and working/planning meetings. And all of that depends on where we are in the school year. Right now

  • in Washington, with attrition and turnover at an all-time high. A recent analysis of Washington state data by Calder Center revealed that more teachers left the classroom during the past year than during the past three decades. In 2022, the teacher attrition rate was 8.91%, the highest in the previous 37 years. Turnover is also high at 19.76%, according to the report. What’s more, the current teacher workforce does not reflect the diversity of classrooms. A survey released last year by the

  • . Census data that show Latinos represent 17 percent of the population at 55.4 million people. It’s estimated that representation is going to grow significantly in the next several decades. She noted that Latinos and other people of color are expected to account for 56 percent of the population by 2060. Despite these numbers, representation of the Latino population still significantly lags: 0 Nation's Lawyers 0 Scientists and engineers 0 Practicing medical doctors 0 Full-time faculty members at degree

  • of processing the juvenile delinquent by formal agencies of control. (4) SOCI 232 : Research Methods An overview of the methods to explore, describe, and analyze the social world. General issues in the design and implementation of research projects, as well as specific issues that arise in conducting interviews and field observations, constructing and administering surveys, analyzing existing data, and planning program evaluations. Required for sociology and social work majors. Prerequisite: SOCI

  • demonstrating learning, research and understanding in the areas of Biomedical Science, Biomedical Engineering, or Statistics as applied to Health Sciences. NameSchoolProjectGrade 6-8 Ashley MahajanFerrucciPreventative Medicine: The Effects of Ayurveda on the Symptoms of Infection8 9-12 Zakaria KhanBellarmineBone-Cartilage Interface Adhesion Energy for Osteochondral Defects12 Outstanding Data Awards K-5Good data both in quantity and quality is essential for impressive science and engineering projects.The

  • : During and for remodeling, maintenance, repair, or demolition of buildings, structures, or equipment, and similar activities For experimental or development work For a period not to exceed 90 days for Christmas decorative lighting, carnivals, and similar purposes. Temporary wiring over 600 volts, nominal, may be used only during periods of tests, experiments, or emergencies. General requirements for temporary wiring are: Feeders must originate in an approved distribution center. The conductors must

  • : The novels Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal address female duties through characters living in restrictive marital structures and how they work to fight against societal norms to protect and gain their agency. Soniah Kamal’s Lady and Alys Binat are retellings of Lydia and Elizabeth Bennett that show us how Austen’s concerns in the 19th century are still alive and well in 21st-century Pakistani American culture. I examine the behavior of Lady and Alys around

  • to the stories elevated in museum spaces. By drawing on space-place theory, literature on identity work in museum spaces, and personal experience interning at the Northwest African American Museum, I explore the reciprocal relationship between the physical context of a museum and the stories it houses. Reflecting the shift from narratives of normative colonialism to those of postcolonial structures, the physical construction of museum entryways aid how narratives are confirmed and refined within

  • culture of the host country. Prerequisite: HISP 103 or the equivalent. (4) HISP 252 : Spanish for Heritage Speakers - VW, GE A course designed for students who have been exposed to the Spanish language at home. The course affirms and builds upon the student's Spanish language abilities through conversation about literary and cultural texts, vocabulary expansion, composition and writing activities, and explicit study of grammar structures. Heritage language students should consult the Language

  • illustration of the market scene was self-made in a way. If you look at the original photo (below right) I was initially provided, there isn’t a house on it. But there is evidence that the temple structures existed there. Also in the original picture, the foreground is filled with plants and corn. So a lot of the painting process was really how you activate that foreground. The first thing I worked on was the background, but it ended up being the first and last thing I did because every time I presented it