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  • biological sample. It’s graduate-level research—and for Angela, comes after taking just one year of organic chemistry. Though Angela’s path has been less traditional, she’s realized it’s not something to be embarrassed about, but to embrace and celebrate. In 2020, when struggles in her personal life began to affect school, Angela’s advisor, chemistry professor Justin Lytle, suggested that she take some time away. Initially she was discouraged, worried that if she stepped away from school she might not

  • run their laptops. “They looked at me and said, “Out of the wall socket, of course,” he laughed. One can talk about the chemical interaction that causes the depletion of the ozone layer, or, to make it stick, professors should focus on the socioeconomic forces at work, Naasz noted. For example in his class, he has his students look at the economic context of why some countries continue to produce products that harm the ozone layer. Jim Albrecht, associate professor of English and Susan Harmon

  • the war, crudely put, seems to be whether it’s a direct government subsidy” or not. Menzel said he would try to push aside the political debate – which generally has Democrats calling for more government intervention and Republicans countering that tax credits and free market economics is the fix – and look at the moral implications of the health care debate. “In the end, there are conflicting moral views underneath these political wars,” Menzel said, who added that he does plan to look carefully

  • year. Energy savings isn’t just good for the environment, it’s good for the wallet too, Cooley said. To find out all things sustainable at PLU go to the PLU Sustainability Web site. Read Previous Sports brings the world to PLU – The Wang Center Symposium Read Next Raising awareness through song COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU College of Liberal Studies

  • intentional about it,” he said. He wanted the logo to incorporate a few PLU specific elements. First, rather than the American Idol-esque purple they went with gold, and then green to highlight the Green Dot campaign that PLU is participating in and finally the Rose Window, which was recently refurbished and installed. Hebrew Idol is a video project for Religion 211 – Religion and Literature in the Hebrew Bible. Students produce their own interpretations of biblical stories, putting anything from a

  • keynote address by sharing how Veterans Day came to be and what it has become throughout the years. It was President Woodrow Wilson who first proclaimed Nov. 11 as Armistice Day – in recognition of the end of WWI with the signing of a peace accord in Versailles, France on the 11th day of the 11th month and celebration of remembrance for those who did not return and sacrificed so much in pursuit of peace. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed Armistice Day as Veterans Day in recognition of

  • Washington. In addition to this work, Williams will teach a course on assessment and evaluation at the University of Yucatan. “It means a lot personally to be recognized and to have the opportunity to do even more,“ Williams said. The Fulbright Program was founded in 1946 and is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching and teaching in elementary and

  • more than ever, North America needs to consider alternative transportation. “Conventional passenger rail tops at 80 miles per hour while high-speed rail is 125 miles per hour and up,” said senior producer JuliAnne Rose ’13. “Revamping rail is one way to alleviate some of our transportation issues, but the key question is whether or not our area is right for high-speed rail.” The five student team will reveal their findings in an original documentary, “Sidetracked: Redefining Rail,” set to premiere

  • October 4, 2012 Doug Smith ’15 and Aiko Nakagawa ’15 after chalking advertising for “unPLUg” a sustainability and low power use push at PLU. (Photo by John Froschauer) UnPLUg aims to create culture of conservation By Katherine Baumann ’14 The lights are off but the competition is on. Students in the 10 resident halls across campus are vying against themselves to see who can save the most energy during the month of October in the annual UnPLUg competition. The UnPLUg tradition began in 2009 with

  • , for which psychologist Daniel Kahneman won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics. It proposes that people aren’t always trying to maximize benefits, but are paying attention to a benchmark. In this case, the benchmark is par. “Do golfers pay attention to par? Yes, they sit in it,” Reiman said. This is in contrast to neoclassical economic theory that says that people are always trying to better their situation given the constraints they face. The Economics of Golf was split into two sections in order