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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 24, 2016)- Pierce County workers will begin a project Aug. 29 that will improve sidewalks and pedestrian visibility along Park Avenue South in front of Pacific Lutheran University’s campus. The project, which spans Park Avenue between 125th Street South and Garfield Street…

    ,” Brian Stacy, an engineer with Pierce County Public Works, said in the news release. The project will include 6-foot sidewalks and concrete curbs and gutters on the east side of Park Avenue between 122nd Street South and Garfield Street, as well as new curb bulb-outs and ADA-compliant ramps. New ramps also will be built on the west side of Park Avenue at those locations, the news release states. Tree root growth has created significant buckling along the existing sidewalk, making it challenging to

  • Pacific Lutheran University Organ Studies. Most lessons are taught on the Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ, a wonderful instrument well known to the organ world, nationally and internationally

    acoustics. The key action is very sensitive and responsive, making the instrument the best teacher one can wish for. In addition, students have access to instruments built by Bosch, Schlicker, and Olympic Organ Co., as well as a recently restored 1890 Kilgen organ located across the street from campus at Trinity Lutheran Church. Organ students study with University Organist and Paul Fritts Endowed Chair in Organ Studies and Performance Justin J. Murphy-Mancini. For more information about Jay, please

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 27, 2016)- The scene: a cramped room somewhere in a Pacific Lutheran University residence hall at the beginning of the millennium. The characters: five nerdy dudes, each with a handful of dice and plenty of junk food. This is “The Gamers,” a…

    . “We’re not punching down.”   That approach directly relates to Dobyns’ activism, which started during his time as a student at PLU. He was heavily involved with Harmony, an advocacy group for the LGBTQ community at the time. He said using media to bring people together is a natural progression. “This is a silly comedy about gaming, but we are also making a show that addresses meaningful values,” Dobyns said. “We’re not hitting people over the head.” He added that other shows he’s produced — including

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 4, 2016)- For the first time in the event’s five-year history, TEDxTacoma will be hosted at Pacific Lutheran University on April 22. For the event’s host, Adam Utley, the new location signifies a homecoming of sorts, as the the improv performer and…

    Grog Zoo.  After I graduated from PLU, I felt a need to give back to the school that gave me so much. I made the conscious decision to start the Improv Theatre program at PLU (in 2007) and while doing so I ended up connecting with two of my three cohorts during their improv classes with me.  So, while PLU wasn’t the direct inspiration, it had a hand in fusing the relationships for our thriving group. How did improv lead you to consulting and your work with The Yes Works? What drives my passion for

  • Tamara Williams, executive director of the Wang Center for Global Education, discusses PLU’s holistic approach to global education and its role in an increasingly interconnected world amid conflict

    acknowledging these realities, our Lutheran heritage calls us to express a bold trust in the potential for making a positive difference. The stories in this issue of ResoLute embody this spirit of confidence and hope, as well as academic rigor, commitment, integrity and conviction. These values set PLU apart as faculty, students, staff and alumni pursue their chosen work worldwide. The university is well equipped to provide the academic preparation and experiential opportunities required to incite positive

  • Verification is a federal regulation that requires PLU to verify the accuracy of the information you submitted on your 2022-23 FAFSA.

    , check with us before making a correction to determine if the change is even required or necessary.6. What if I have submitted a Special Circumstances Form?Verification must be completed even though a Special Circumstance Form has been submitted. The Special Circumstance Form will be reconsidered in light of your verified FAFSA information.Please note: Verification of parent and/or student information could result in an adjustment (increase or decrease) to the “Offer of Financial Aid.”

  • PLU Peace Corps program prepares Lutes for service work abroad.

    , assistant professor of anthropology and director of the new program. “But also I think social justice issues, diversity and sustainability is a big part of the Peace Corps.” Shamil IdrissLearn more about featured speaker ahead of his presentation at the third biennial Chris Stevens Memorial Lecture. Wiley added that the program will help make the transition easier for students who are already on track to join the Peace Corps or other service organizations. The decision to bring this program to campus

  • Social Work Learning Outcomes1. Upon completion of the social work program, students will demonstrate professional and ethical behavior, including ethical decision-making, using reflection & self-regulation, demonstrating professional demeanor.2. By the end of the social work program, students will be able to identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services; assess how social welfare and economic policies

  • FEDERAL WAY, Wash. (Aug. 6, 2015)—Ann Kullberg ’79 has never taken a formal art course, but her work is internationally known—and her story is as colorful as her art. Though the lines were not always straight, and there were rough patches along the way, Kullberg…

    creates colored-pencil masterpieces.Born in rural Japan to Lutheran missionary parents, Kullberg lived there until she was 7 and has loved drawing for as long as she can remember. She said her parents were incredibly supportive, always making sure she had art materials even “when the budget was already stretched too tight, and there really was no extra money.” Arriving at PLU in 1975 from her new home in Oregon, Kullberg was drawn (pun intended) not to art but instead to classes in Japanese, thanks to

  • William Davis ’06 is co-founder of FabLab Tacoma, a makerspace dedicated to project-based learning, entrepreneurship and tinkering.

    model and all the other necessary tools to bring the concept to life. FabLab also is in good company outside Tacoma. The Obama administration launched an initiative called A Nation of Makers to promote making culture, Davis said. He and Tibbitts were invited to the White House as part of the effort, along with representatives from other makerspaces around the country, to collaborate and discuss the future of the maker movement. Davis said the future of the initiative is unclear, given the newly