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  • Mare Blocker and Jessica Spring, visiting assistant professors of art and design, discuss the massive letterpress donation by WCP Solutions — the Thorniley Collection — and the interdisciplinary

    Welcome Welcome 1024 427 Mare Blocker and Jessica Spring Mare Blocker and Jessica Spring January 20, 2017 May 22, 2017 For the artist and innovator, making is an act of avowal. The tools and materials you use, the physical process — these convey what you believe in, what

  • Last year Martha Spieker ’16 was ASPLU president, now she works at Congress.

    US. In the late 1980s Michael was responsible for research and management associated Tampa General Hospital’s payer and business development. In the mid 1980s Michael was the lead analyst for the Decision Support unit of the Information Services Department at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida Health Science Center. In the early 1980s Dr. Graven was a member of a Rutgers University program focused on population genetic methods used to control several serious tropical infectious diseases

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 23, 2016)- Imagine using bananas and a circuit board to create a piano. Absurd? Thanks to the maker movement and some creative minds, it isn’t. Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Education & Kinesiology is bringing that creative spirit to campus April 12…

    book “Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom.” Their lecture will touch on how to effectively set up makerspaces in schools to incorporate the maker movement into basic education. But first, they’ll give teachers and PLU students studying to become teachers the opportunity to test out the technologies that makerspaces offer. Attendees will participate in hands-on learning that will demonstrate how useful the creative spaces can be in schools. Students use the spaces to

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August 24, 2015)- This week, PLU introduced “Open to Interpretation,” a new podcast devoted to exploring the meanings and implications of words commonly used in the news, on social media and on college campuses. Hosted by Associate Professor of Communication Amy Young, each…

    Assistant Professor of Communication Justin Eckstein. Young, who serves as Chair of the Department of Communication & Theatre, says she has long been a consumer of podcasts and that she is hopeful that “Open to Interpretation” will welcome listeners into conversations commonly found on college campuses and in intellectual communities.Listen NowEpisode 1: AdvocacyWhere did the inspiration for the premise of “Open to Interpretation” come from? When I was in graduate school, the only required course in our

  • to the dean to repeat a course a second time. Master of Science - Marketing Analytics (M.S.)36 semester hours Fall Semester 16 semester hours BMMA 502: Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior (4) BMMA 504: Quantitative Marketing Research (4) BMMA 508: Qualitative Marketing Research (4) BMMA 587/588/589: Special Topics in Marketing Analytics (4) January Term 4 semester hours BMMA 598: Graduate Research Project in Marketing (4) Spring Semester 16 semester hours BMMA 524: Advanced Research Methods

  • PLU professor adds ‘board game inventor’ to his résumé.

    of getting accepted to and surviving graduate school. She learned how to collect and analyze data, code survey responses, and edit and submit a manuscript. “It changed the trajectory of my life,” Griswold said. “The fact that I got a research opportunity really was paramount to being a successful grad school applicant.” Johnson, a graduate student at Arizona State University studying applied behavior analysis, also credits her success after PLU to the collaborative research opportunity. In

  • TACOMA, Wash. (March 12, 2015)—Brockton Gates ’12 walked through a backyard toward the basement of a quiet house in Seattle. He was on his way to interview for a job at a small and successful startup, Porch, where he eventually would become the Head of…

    responsible for setting up speaking engagements for the company’s CEO and COO. Gates said he might not be where he is today if he hadn’t made the decision to transfer to PLU his sophomore year. “PLU made all the difference for me when it came to finding success after college,” Gates said. “I had a lot of stress coming out of college; I was one of those students that was ambitious and hardworking but would get a bit paralyzed at the thought of having to ‘choose a career’ right out of college, especially

  • For PLU’s Mary Moller, Nurse of the Year award was a career in the making Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / August 14, 2018 Image: PLU’s Mary Moller was named the APNA’s 2018 Psychiatric Nurse of the Year award last month. August 14, 2018 By Thomas Kyle-MilwardMarketing & CommunicationTACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 14, 2018) — Mary Moller has always been a revolutionary.After becoming the first nurse to be named to the editorial boards of two prestigious psychiatric journals, the Pacific Lutheran

  • Landon Packard ’17 says it’s time to rescue the rescuers. The sociology major researched first responders’ emotional labor — the process of managing emotions to satisfy the requirements of a

    burning in a car and someone who is pinned under another car, you have to make that difficult decision.” “When you are fire fighting you start out young and you are dating it’s easier. But once you get married and have children, you go on calls when the age of the children are the same age as yours. So, that really brings it home. It’s hard.” “We have teams that come in and counsel and talk to us about different things if we need it. But compartmentalizing is big. It didn’t happen to me and I need to

  • For employers, PLU is a great place to recruit talent. Find out how to connect job and internship opportunities to PLU graduates and students.

    the employment or volunteer opportunities available to students*. Contact PLU Alumni & Student Connections if you would like assistance in identifying a student club to connect with. For more information, please contact *Student clubs and organizations are not required to sponsor an employer event, and make the final decision about who they engage with or host as a speaker. Experiential Learning Opportunities (internships, externships, volunteering)Our team is available to consult