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  • The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards –although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards… February 23, 2018 Damian AlessandroEdison AwardsInnovation Studies minorThomas EdisonWizard of Menlo Park

  • The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards –although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards… February 23, 2018 Damian AlessandroEdison AwardsInnovation Studies minorThomas EdisonWizard of Menlo Park

  • The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards –although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards… February 23, 2018 Damian AlessandroEdison AwardsInnovation Studies minorThomas EdisonWizard of Menlo Park

  • For a limited time we are offering FREE digital TV ad displays with poster orders! Start a Creative RequestDigital Display Ad (TV Ad)Need to advertise your event for just a few days? Our Digital Display Ads are a perfect option. Impact manages two TVs in the UC and have access to three others around campus and can place your advertisement there for a low cost. These TVs are seen by hundreds of students walking through each day. 10 seconds- $1.00/per day Anything over 10 seconds- $2.00/per day 20

  • between the library, Anderson University Center and Garfield Street, which is home to numerous stores and restaurants. To learn more please visit our Harstad Hall page. Hinderlie Hall is located close to Mary Baker Russell Music Center and Ingram Hall and central to the entire campus, it is convenient to everything regardless of your major! Home to approximately 130 residents, this hall is also the home of the Community for Creative Expression. Whether you identify as an artist or just love to be

  • question, “Who was Jesus?” There is, however, a different question to consider: “Why is Christ?” This presentation will focus on four Christological images embedded in ancient texts and contemporary hymns that open up, rather than narrow, the Christian understanding of God. Dr. Ramshaw is a graduate of Valparaiso University (B.A.), Sarah Lawrence College (M.A.), Union Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Ph.D.). Her doctoral dissertation was a study of the poetry of

  • capital projects will be fully funded, including the Karen Hille Phillips Center for Performing Arts and lower-campus athletic fields.   The Andersons, who came to PLU in 1992, say they are not retiring but are completing 20 years of service to the university and then moving on to new areas of professional focus and service. MaryAnn Anderson, 52, calls their decision, “a Wild Hope moment.” “We are living true to Mary Oliver’s line of poetry: ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and

  • favorite study spots prove that! She enjoys Bryant Park (when it’s sunny out), New York Public Library (lovely painted ceilings, an oasis in the heart of midtown Manhattan) The Poets’ House (a hidden gem—a poetry library that feels like a peaceful living room with a view of the Hudson River), the Dear Mama Coffee House in East Harlem (THE BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES), and Brooklyn College Library (spacious reading rooms). And sometimes she leaves the studying behind and just plays tourist. She’s made

  • . Robinson-Bertoni says, “I am interested in the way that people are taking care of each other and the ways that people are creatively addressing social problems. Using poetry. Using theatre. Using singing. Using these things that bring out so much of a human experience that is bigger than just the empirical measurements. They’re immeasurables.” At the heart of this, for Robinson-Bertoni, is connection. Religion is all about connection. A connection with God, a connection with oneself, a connection with

  • faculty members from 2009 to 2014, I must acknowledge that not only does each of these faculty members specialize in their own fields and regions, but they also have their own unique sense of humor, engagement, and way of teaching. The secret was finding out how they taught and creating a hybrid between their style and my learning style. This offered the best opportunity to get to know not only the topic being taught, but the individual standing at the front of the room. Once I took the time to get to