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  • conditioning and how it affects their lives and the lives of others. Breakout sessions ask groups of seven to 10 people to reflect on what they have learned and share how they feel about it — although no one is obliged to speak and remaining silent is an option. The People’s Gathering was originally conceived as an annual event to promote frank and open dialogue about race. But the demand for more opportunities to engage in meaningful conversation on the topic prompted a move to twice-a-year gatherings

  • Scandinavian Cultural Center in the Anderson University Center, as the event will not be live-streamed. Koller Menzel Memorial Lecture March 16, 2023 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Scandinavian Cultural Center in the Anderson University Center Read Previous Acclaimed Author Minh Lê Speaks on How Stories Can Connect and Transcend Read Next Quan Huynh ’25 Discusses her Internship at the Washington State Senate COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker

  • the 2022 NASPA Region V Innovation Program Award. Given by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), the award recognizes an institution or individual that has developed and implemented an outstanding, innovative program. The People’s Gathering: A Revolution of Consciousness A virtual event March 30, 2023 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Free to PLU students, faculty, staff and alumni; $125.00 for members of the public Registration and information:

  • Lange ’00 oversees all aspects of marketing and communications including brand management, marketing operations, sales and recruitment marketing and internal and external communications. Lange majored in communication at PLU, with a business minor. She spent the first few years of her career in public relations and event management in fields like technology and nonprofit, and then moved into brand management for companies, including Eddie Bauer and Starbucks. This led to Sound Physicians, where

  • Recruitment, Admissions, and Progression (RAP) committee meeting. 9. The student has the option to make a personal presentation at this meeting, and to bring along one academic advisor or designated faculty substitute. Students may also choose to bring witness to the event if applicable. However, personal attendance at the RAP meeting is not required. 10. Based upon their collective evaluation of the petition, the RAP committee will make a recommendation to the Dean regarding the petition. This

  • Dr. Shiva’s talk will also be a feature event for the Wang Symposium: Countenance of Hope Food Tour Saturday, February 27, 9am-2pm The Food Tour will showcase some local models of ethically responsible food production, consumption, and waste. The Food Tour will include visits to Mother Earth Farm and Hidden Valley Compost Factory and Recycling Center, and conclude with lunch at Arista Pasta and Specialty Foods.More Information About the Food TourFood Production Panel Monday, February 29, 11:15am

  • Third Rail Inquiry: Learning, In, Through, and For Community, Part II The Conversation in Action The Conversation has expanded my understanding of third rail inquiry.  First, this group values the story as a way of knowing.  Each week we begin with a ten-minute personal anecdote.  Often our stories disclose the psychological burden of living the color line, but they can capture any dimension of our experience, any encounter or event that shapes how we see the world.  Narratives highlight

  • shorter Fall season begins in mid-September, running through early November, with the opportunity to row on our very own Ameican Lake. In the Spring Season, we aim to compete in regattas in WA, OR and CA against D1, 2 and 3 programs from the western US. The season culminates with the WIRA Championship Regatta, a 30+ team event in Sacramento, CA.  The Men’s Rowing team will seek to continue building on its recent momentum from the spring season.  Rowing at PLU is a long-standing tradition and is backed

  • shorter Fall season begins in mid-September, running through early November, with the opportunity to row on our very own Ameican Lake. In the Spring Season, we aim to compete in regattas in WA, OR and CA against D1, 2 and 3 programs from the western US. The season culminates with the WIRA Championship Regatta, a 30+ team event in Sacramento, CA.  The Men’s Rowing team will seek to continue building on its recent success.  Rowing at PLU is a long-standing tradition and is backed by a generous alumni

  • accountability and show content integrity. Act as a community and university event contact including advertising, PSAs, and paid ads. Organize promotional events and arrange for guest speakers. Help with promotion events including set up and take down. Purchase equipment. Ensure a safe, comfortable environment for DJs and people in the studio. Treat all other staff members, DJs, office supplies and equipment with respect. Check email account regularly. Oversee production of LASR Student CD