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  • Naval Post Graduate School and research associate at Oxford University’s Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict. Strawser has taken the, some may call, controversial position on the use of predator drones: “Strawser has plunged into the churning, anguished debate by arguing the US is not only entitled but morally obliged to use drones.  ‘It’s all upside. There’s no downside. Both ethically and normatively, there’s a tremendous value,’ he says. ‘You’re not risking the pilot. The pilot is safe

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 19, 2016)- Jen Cohen ’94 is all smiles. But the University of Washington athletic director, appointed to the position May 24, smiles the biggest while talking to, and about, student athletes. “We feel like our students are students first,” said Cohen, who…

    room, offensive linemen Trey Adams and Henry Roberts — who tower over the AD at 6’8” and 6’5″, respectively — are eager to tell Cohen how training and summer school are going. And to congratulate her on the new gig, of course. “I love seeing young people develop into great leaders and contributors,” Cohen said. Every day on the job looks different, Cohen said. But she approaches everything thrown her way with a bubbly attitude, a good sense of humor and a lot of passion. “It’s very unpredictable

  • sponsored by the Cultural Center.Executive Board MembersSCC Director - Troy Storfjell PhD The Director oversees the planning and implementation of events and activities in the SCC; works with the Treasurer to maintain accurate accounts of income and expenditures related to the Council; serves as liaison between local Nordic groups, museums, foundations and other Nordic organizations; oversees the coordination and ongoing development of the membership organization; provides supervision, training and

  • Associate Professor Claudia Berguson says PLU’s link to Norway informs the values carried through its mission.

    Welcome Welcome 1024 427 Claudia Berguson Claudia Berguson January 1, 2018 February 6, 2018 All photos by John Froschauer, PLU This edition of ResoLute explores the connections between Norway and our Pacific Lutheran University community. We surely can ask what still links PLU

  • October 3, 2013 Auberry Fortuner ’13 and Assistant Professor Bret Underwood did research into understanding what gave rise to the expansion of the universe. (Photo by John Froschauer) Modeling the Early Universe By Katie Scaff ’13 None of us was around for the Big Bang, but one enterprising student is determined to see what the universe looked like in its beginning, more than 13 billion years ago. Auberry Fortuner ’13 spent his summer simulating events that happened about one-billionth of a

  • Join the Work Study ProgramGovernment agencies, private corporations, small businesses, and non-profit organizations which are not involved in politics can apply to the State Work Study (SWS) program in partnership with PLU. Find out more about the work study program here at PLU.Why Hire PLU students?Employers who sign up to participate are able to hire educated, motivated students at a lower cost. Learn more about recruiting at PLU.How it WorksStudents are hired and paid according to the

  • April 15, 2011 Beyond the uniform By Igor Strupinskiy ’14 The sun isn’t up yet, but the PLU ROTC cadets are already standing in formation Olson Gym. A typical day for these dedicated cadets, starts at 6:30 a.m. with physical training. Junior cadet Derek Ayers and sophomore cadet Will Mackey, along with the rest of the cadets, participate in morning physical training, or P.T. in the turf room of Olson Gym. (Photo by Igor Strupinskiy ’14) But many of the cadets take the army phrase, “if you’re on

  • Hello world! | College of Health Professions | PLU 1: Skip to content 2: Skip to navigation Accessibility Tools (CTRL+U) Text-to-Speech Large Cursor Zoom Level (x1) Reset Zoom Disable Animations Reset All Hide the tools After hiding the tool, if you would like to re-enable it, just press CTRL+U to open this window. Or, move your cursor near the tool to display it. Menu Apply Visit Programs PLU News Menu Search Events ePass Apply Visit Programs PLU News Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care. Menu

  • Knutson Lecture

    The 18th Annual David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture “Love Without Limits: A Story of Censorship, Solidarity, and Hope for our Polarized Times” Dr. Jacqueline Bussie Wednesday October 4, 2023 7:00 pm (Pacific time) Anderson University Center, PLU Related events: (see below for details) Oct. 1, 2023: 9:45am Sunday morning Zoom discussion of Love Without Limits Oct. 4, 2023: Reception and Book Signing following lecture Our world feels more divided than ever. Polarizing politics, racial violence

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 7, 2016)- Have you ever dreamed of running away with the circus? Nicole Laumb ’11 did and plans to do it again. “The giggles were endless,” she told her loyal Facebook followers at the end of the tour with the Flynn Creek…

    someday. She still finds time to embrace her circus side, teaching aerial silks twice a week as part of the same program at the Community Center of Mendocino. “There is a really high demand for young kids to do circus,” she said, “so CircusMecca does quite a few children’s classes at the community center and at the main gym in Mendocino.” She is continuing training at CircusMecca, working on lyra (aerial hoop), silks and Spanish web. “I’m trying to see how far I want to get into performing, so I’m